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A Thanks To Jackherer.

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As some of you may know. I was having starter problems with my Pug.


I asked if there was anyone near to me that could assist in replacing a starter motor. I am not a mechanic at all.


Anyhow. A short time after making the request I received a PM from jackherer offerIng help.


2 minutes later I received another PM from jackherer stating that he had read my previous starter issues and that a new starter motor may not be needed. It could just be the wiring.


We sorted out a time and date and I made my way up to him this afternoon.


As I was driving down his read desperatley trying to spot the tiny door numbers as I went. I should not have worried. Jackherer had 4 205's on his drive.




Anyhow, jackherer set apon my 205. He had not worked on an 8v engine for a while. Especially one which had the factory fitted air pipes and box. I soon worked out why. K&N air filter do not get on the way so much. I think I lost count how many times it was all on and off!


As he went jackherer explained what he was doing. What various pipes, plugs and wires did. This was all new to me!


He pointed out various other bits of my engine. It's an unusual one. Intended Jap export with bits of air con parts still in place.


Jackherer by passed the brown plug blue wire for the starter motor. Renewed the connections.


During the work jackherer notice that an oil blower plug was missing. A dig about in his garage. He put one in.


Noticed that the distributor signal cable was very manky. Opened up a 1.9 on his drive and swapped them. Found a broken connector of a cable which connects somewhere in the depths below. Replaced it!


Noticed the the negative was bolted to the top of the engine. Moved it to the gear box where it should be.


All in all a very good and educational trip for me. I will be more confident to get down to the brown plug. Hopefully, I can sort out my oil tempreture gauge. It is just one of those things that bug me on the dash and all down to the wire burning away on the exhaust!!


To finish off this is what forums should be about. Sharing the knowledge and helping out when you can.


I got home safe and sound. I suppose I won't know if the starter problems has been sorted until if/when it happens again.


Fingers crossed.


So finally. Thanks again jackherer. I learnt a thing or two today.

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Nice to read this, shows there are some good guys out there! :) .You have done well thanking him on here and Jackerer sounds a a great guy, well done the pair of you. Great stuff for the forum! :)

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Feel the luurrvv :wub:



Nice one Jack :D

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Cheers Glen :)


That's a very nice 205 you've got!


As you say, fingers crossed the starter problems are a thing of the past but if not just come back and we'll chuck a new starter on.

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looks a tidy pug you got. there a pain in the ass sometimes, i had 1 where someone bodged a cheap remote start alarm onto it, had nothing but problems, rippsed it out and sorted his bodge wiring out and it wasnt as bad, just had wires twisted together and cut into look allover place

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Decent bloke, dodgy username!! :lol:


Good work Kieran!

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dodgy username!! :lol:


Mr Herer gets a bad press, he was just high on life ;)

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Now, if he'd only fix one of HIS cars instead... :P

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Decent bloke, dodgy username!! :lol:


Classic username I think you mean B) At least it's been consistent, I first used it as my username on the internet in 1994!


Now, if he'd only fix one of HIS cars instead... :P


Erm... yes :lol:


I've just decided to break the Puma as its worth more in parts than it is whole so that's one car off the list of cars I have to fix before I can do my 205s. But that still leaves Maturin23's 205 (but that is very nearly done), Bond's Alfa and his two 205s, Ming's 205 and Cefiro, the Xsara and some small jobs on the E39. On the bright side I got the lawnmower running the other day and fixed a puncture on my bike...

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Gotta love a bit of the Herer strain :wub:

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top bloke,exactly what a community should be about,good on you mate

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