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Original / Rebuilt Engine

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What are peoples feelings on replacing an engine?


There is nothing as such wrong with the original engine in my 1.6 CTi aside from some overheating but I have a feeling this may be the temp gauge on the dash not working correctly or the coolant system needing a good flush and replace.


I will likely to be taking the engine out of the car to tidy up some rusty bits in the engine bay so to the point.


Do you think that replacing the original engine with a rebuilt one will be detrimental to the cars originality? Obviously it will be a like for like replacement (1.6 for 1.6).


The reason I ask is that for me it would be much more straight forward (and likely cheaper) to put in a rebuilt engine than to change the water pump and any other fiddly inside the engine jobs that are likely needing done anyway.


Any opinions on this?



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If i where you, while the engine is out just change the head gasket and give the cyclinder head a good overhaul with a new water pump and timing belt kit.


Id change the temp sensor too before making any real commitment to buying a new engine.


I dont think replacing an engine for a engine in the same year and same size would make any change to the cars originality though.

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Well I have changed the temp sensor which I checked the resistance of by dipping in boiling water and was in the range of what would be expected. DId this for two sensors and it was fine.


The reason I have thought of the swap is that a rebuilt engine is available for what appears to be similar the cost of new gaskets, timing belt, water pump etc. By the time shipping or hiring a van to pick it up is added to this it may prove more expensive for the new one but if it is in good nick it will be a lot less hassle for me.


I am also a bit apprehensive to start taking the engine to bits as its a territory I have never ventured before.

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Where is that from?


Sounds dodgy to me as they say on this forum you pay for what you get, a full engine rebuild kit including shells would roughly cost 600-750 not fully sure.


Hiflowheads charge in the mark of £1500 quid for a fully rebuilt engine with afew goodies added.


Im sure if you offered some beer money out, someone would do the head gasket for you. you could take it off your self with no problems at all.


And if you pay cash at the machine shop they will probly rebuild the cyclinder head for cheap... while rebuilding my engine i have got quite friendly now with the guys that work there and they do the work super cheap for me now and just pocket the money for themselfs split between 2 of them.

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it was posted by someone on the for sale forum here. I dont think its a full rebuild but has had the head skimmed with new water pump etc.


A bargain at £200, or perhaps a bargain that is too good to be true?

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Always a risk, your engine might even be better than that.


You heard of the term "if it aint broke dont fix it"


But If you want to build your exsisting engine be prepared to pay the price, do it on the cheap and it can end up being an engine overall all over agian.


Now if you wanted to rebuild your engine but dont wanna put your car off the road, id advise you to buy a £50 engine and send it to miles on here for a rebuild

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Keeping the car on the road doesn't really matter to me so much as I have another car for 'normal' use. Apart from the afore mentioned overheating there doesnt appear to be too much wrong with the engine. Seems to hold its oil well, no noises that upset me, pulls well in all gears, Ive only had it a few months and already covered about 1000 miles or so with little/nothing to report.


Would miles be happy that you are offering his services out so readily? Do you happen to know what sort of price would he charge for it?

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Im sure my "recommendation" would be welcomed.


Search for the member "miles" and send him a PM.


Unsure of prices but his company service is well known on this forum i believe, and alot of people, i believe have been more than happy with the work he has provided.

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