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Alot Of Play In The Gear Stick.

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There seems to be a lot of play in the gear stick in my 205 and struggle to find gear sometimes.


Any idea what this could be?



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Linkages could be worn, L bracket could be loose and the bushes in the lever itself could have play.


Could be either or all of above. I would recommend investing in some new rods and changing the bushes. Difference is going to be night and day.


Mine were sloppy and one day one of the linkages actually popped off which was annoying.

Edited by chipstick

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a few things, all pretty cheap to sort.


1, check the ball joint on the subframe, 13mm nut through the underside of the subframe.


2, check the gear rods for play in the ball joints, 2 options, replace with o.e or some aftermarket steel jointed from Miles.


3, replace the top hat bushes in the L shaped linkage and the gear stick itself, also there's a pair of white nylon bushes for the main gearstick shaft, get them from peugeot.

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Its usually a combination of gear rods, the bushes on the gear selection quadrant on the subframe and the bushes in the gearstick + the bushing block just in front of the gearstick.


£80-90 will replace it all with items such as metal cup gear rods, bronze bushes for the quadrant and the gearstick bushes and maybe just about get you the bushing block from peugeot. Its worth every penny!


Someone like Miles @ Pugracing can supply you with everything, or Stu @ BBM

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Thanks for the advice, ill get on the phone tomorrow as this is making it a pig to drive at times.



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The most common thing as above is the ball that bolted onto the subframe, this makes the linkage they sloppy, the rods and bush's never fail that badly

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I changed my std worn out pug gear rods for some from Miles and it made a world of difference.

As said above though,could be one of the others

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Ive got the same problem, i can be driven along in 2nd and push the stick right over to 5th


I got some news one from Baker BM but unfortunately i havent fitted them yet... waiting till i get chance to strip the car and build it.

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1, check the ball joint on the subframe, 13mm nut through the underside of the subframe.

The balljoint also has a 13/14mm flat at its base iirc, just turnig the nut from underneath spins the lot iirc.

The most common thing as above is the ball that bolted onto the subframe, this makes the linkage they sloppy, the rods and bush's never fail that badly

+1, it doesn't even have to be very loose to dramitically change the amount of gearstick free play & takes minutes to fix.



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