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Rob Turbo

Windscreen Wiper Scratch Removal?

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Rob Turbo

My 406 has pretty nasty marks on the windscreen that seems to be caused by knackard wipers, not so much a scratch, one is about 10mm wide, the other about 5mm wide. I tried G3, we use it at work to polish scratches out of glass, a lot of the time it does a decent job, if it doesn't work we just re-cut the glass (double glazing factory), but it didn't work on my windscreen, I didn't really think it would TBH!


I've seen kits for removing car window scratches, they seem to be a drill attachment and polish for light scratches or an abrasive and a polish for deep scratches, has anyone tried one of these kits? Do they work?


Before I go spending any money on a kit I think I'll have a go with the G3, but with a drill this time.

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ive got the same on my 306, was contemplating using some meguilars 205 that i have here to see if that will shift it

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Tom Fenton

Buy a new one, only £50, the difference especially at night is massive and well worth the spend.

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Can the old (sunroof type) rubber be used on the new screen? Or is a new screen available with the sunroof type rubber?

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