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Mi16 Head Gasket

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Hello All,


Ive just fitted my cyclinder head to my Mi16 and in the Auto data instructions it says, Tighten to some 60nm and then untighten in order to retighten them again... But my main question is it says run engine to 85C leave for 2 hours and tighten to another XXX Amount.


Just out of curiousity is there a reason why you should do this? as i was a bit baffled!





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You shouldn't need to do that.


It's only the early non-stretch bolts that needed that doing as far as I'm aware, which I don't think were ever used on Mi16's, only early 8v's. Generally, you tighten to a given torque and then angle tighten them (figures are in Haynes), or you torque up in increasing stages (25-50-75lbft) depending on which way you prefer.

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The bolts i put in are payen


the ones that came out where stretch but not sure if these where.

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Just think of it like this, PSA made the engine's and can you see them checking the torque after the so called period named in the book, You will find the answer to be 'no' so as they are is fine no matter what type of bolt it is

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