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[car_overhaul] 205 Rallye White

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argh, sorry, been too busy with xmas to sort the camera out. needs batteries and im lazy!

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Pictures :D

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ok, pulled my finger out at last. some s*itty pics of it looking dirty! the feelers could be going out again though :\ anyone interested?





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Looks fantastic! Nice job

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cheers headling,


yea john, feelers, times coming for me to part ways with the car. ill be getting engaged etc in the new year and what have you so just dont have the time and disposable cash to be dicking about with old cars anymore.

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dont sell it, keep it.

but what is the price?

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i' love to keep it for when i feel ready to work on it again, but i dont have a garage anymore to keep it in. an i just ont want to be spending my evenings and weekends under the bonnet any more.


i never want to drive it any more and know that i wont have it forever, so i feel that keeping it is just trying to pointlessly delay the inevitable.


the engine is solid now. it just needs someone with the right enthusiasm to come along and bring the rest up to scratch.



price wise, i'd like £1500 for it after all the hard work ive put into it,


but as this is the real world id take offers between £950-1200 as ive just put tax on it.

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seems reasonable, i dont even know why i asked lol as i got one sitting in my garage, all be it an XS model. still in need of some TLC for the mot in january.


its gotta be the pug bug :P

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giving up at 22? MTFU :P

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i dunno why i asked wither i have one in bits in my garage too :/

i think you should keep it! just tuck it away somewhere, end of the day its a rallye where do you ever see them about? will be worth a fair bit in a few years.

Id love to own this, but i would have to sell my little old 106 gti to fund it, and i couldn't sell the old girl, had her too long. :)


I remeber ages ago i ask you on facebook to sell it to me you said no as ud been after it for so long :)

Edited by johniban

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lol 23. i know. it would be fine if i was still living with my parents and could fill up their garage with s*it for a few more years. but i live in a flat in town and have to park on the street so. cant keep it on the side.


i'd need to pull this thing apart and rebuild it from the ground up to be happy with it. but as i dont have the access to the tools etc that i need now (and i dont want to put myself through all that wank again,) and cant afford to pay for someone elses labour. it's going.


i dont earn enough to pay for storage somewhere, things are tight enough as it is without cars and all that bollocks as well.

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if i had the room in my lock up id let you keep it in there :)

if you do sell it make sure its local, youll hate yourself if it dissapears of the face of the earth

leave it at the parents ;)

im only 23 and im going through the strip apart and s*it i cant be assed i feel like just spraying it and using it

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yea ill be ditching it at the parents place for now. it was doing that abarth grey gti of mine that did it for me.


deadlines and unexpected delays and s*it. just dont want that hassle any more.

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that's exactly why I sold up all my fiesta bits and bought my rallye. I had 2 mk1 fiesta shells and about £2ks worth of high spec suspension and engine goodies but not enough coming in to pay for all the welding and bodywork required to get it to what I wanted it to be, I just wanted a fun car so got rid of it all.


Then started taking the rallye apart a few weeks after I got it lol

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got a clean mk 2 saxo vts now which is totally standard. though my insurance are wankers and wudnt insure it unless i modified it.... so ill put my induction kit on it later today. that kept them happy. at least untill the end of the year when i can whip it off and try get cheaper insurance elsewhere on standard spec and with an extra years no claims.


yea.. i know its a saxo...


even sadder is that it actually felt luxurious to drive after my rattly old rallye.


i feel dirty.

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they are awesome same engine as my 106, i love it very nippy, beats 197 clios ;)

i only gave £400 for it too

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yea engine pulls well. its one of them two pronged jobbys. still feels weird to drive it. is all quiet an cant hear it rev and power steering etc makes it feel alien.


nice to have a heater and radio etc though. and yea, looks nice and smart on the whole.

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well, i've been suitably sensible and tried to sell the rallye. but turned down 2-3 offers as the car owes me way more and there's no point selling it for so little. so... :ph34r: gave the rallye and my daily saxo a quick clean after both of them being filthy..








Edited by DaSneakyGit

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I had to have a bit of a think as to the future of the Rallye. and spoken to a mate who will take it into his workshop when a space opens up in the summer.

he does great work specializing almost entirely in VW golfs. the rallye will be stripped down to its birthday suit. longevity is the aim of the game.

-engine, fuel tank, axles, glass and interior out.

-all cack ground off, rust cut out and weld new steel in.

-stone chip and paint underside.

-crumpled front wings coming off to make sure the arches are solid.

as it is a VW specialist, we are putting some thought into the engine bay, and mapping out a layout for a smoothed engine bay and partial wire tuck, seam welding where possible.

other than for clean cosmetic reasons, the aim of smoothing the bay is to eliminate pooling areas where water can sit and cause rust.

-washer bottle and ecu will be relocated behind the dash board area. leaving the arches clear.

-battery will be moved into the boot and battery tray will be cut down into a less obtrusive shape.

-all wires hidden away.

-coolant expansion tank will also be hidden.

the interior will be receiving some surgery as the cage will be getting cut out and the exhaust tunnel will have a section cut out and seat bars welded in like so:


i will then be able to fit my half leather recaro recliners on standard universal sliders, improving the driving position over the current mounting position (its a squeeze), as well as allowing easy fitment of bucket seats should i want them in future.

the fuel lines will also be replaced with braided lines and run either under the car or inside.

and the exhaust replaced with a standard system and aftermarket manifold, partly due to a rotten midsection and to reduce noise.

the body work will be last to sort before it leaves and heads to the paint shop. various pannels will be having dents removed and panels replaced. and aerial holes and rear wiper arm etc welded up and smoothed.

large plans but with a steady flow of money and months ahead i dont have to tackle the horrid jobs myself :)

i had thought about 16v'ing it as i have a saxo at my disposal... but the saxo feels gutless compaired to the 8v currently in situ.

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See you said it yourself! Saxo feels gutless!

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i have to give the saxo a thrashing to get it to perform. Its alright from day to day though, quiet.


it doesnt give me the little 'fizz' i get in the rallye though.


I think the only reason why i would 16v the rallye would be cosmetic, the 16v lump just looks a lot nicer, especially in the upcoming smoothed bay.

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does anyone know how much i should be looking to pay for a second hand front subframe? i guess i need an XS on or base model item?


will slowly start refurbing it with new parts so that when ive done the work to the underside i don't have to bolt the scabby old s*it back on to it.

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Pay next to nothing for a base model subframe, I've scrapped a couple as no one wants them! if you're handy with a welder you can fit a GTI subframe and just move the gear linkage position.

Edited by allye

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