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Removing Rear Stub Axle To Free Ceased Bearing.

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Hi there,



Quick question, I've had some brake issues and removed the drum to find this.




So i can't get the inner race off.


I've tried, cold chisel behind to open out.

I'm going to try heat with a blow torch tomorrow, when i go and buy one.

Angle grinding it off with a small disc is also an option.. except i don't have a grinder.




But if that fails, and i need to take it somewhere, how do you remove the stub axle from the rear arm?

It was a bit dark when i was out there this evening.




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copper faced hammer and knock the stub axle out of the arm (towards the centre of the car) once it starts to move it should come out quite easily



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It knocks out, going towards the underside of the car if the beam is on the car (if that makes sense)


You can knock them out with a lump hammer easily enough, but I would strongly suggest putting a sacrificial hub nut on the end of the stub axle so that you don't accidentally damage the thread. You will need a replacement, as normally requires hitting hard enough to get it moving that the nut will be damaged.

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thanks guys.


would one of these work to pull the bearing down the shaft?



Edited by kyepan

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bit overkill really, and usually there isn't any gap at all to get a puller in behind the race.



is the bearing actually the problem though?



A few minutes (seconds even) with Mr Hammer (and no pounds spent at your new favourite shop...) will get that race off.

Edited by welshpug

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bearing will no doubt come off without any problems if you just knock the shaft out.



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Tom Fenton

Big ally drift and belt the stub axle out, job done.

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Sorry to sound thick. Does knocking the stub axle out cause the bearing to be driven off the shaft, that seems to be the message I am getting..Or does he shaft need to come off so the bearing can be taken

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Stub axle is driven through and off bearing.

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WINNING i will get my persuader out later on!!

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As Ant said.... Sacrifice the hub nut to protect the thread and stub axle end and then some good hefty whacks with a hammer to drift it out. The stub axle is only attached through a splined hole in the trailing arm.

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Ive just initiated one hub nut.. Do I need to undo the big hex bolt at the back first?

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its not a bolt, that's just to help locate the stub axle in the splines.



oh and its "Seized" btw,..

Edited by welshpug
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god-damn! just hit it with a big hammer!


(please remember to have the car well supported)

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As in the bearing is ceased on the stub axle? Or the stub axle ceased in the arm.


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nooo, Seized! ceased as in ceased to be, function etc.


seized = stuck...





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Homanyms are a dyslexic's worst enemy. So i can install without removing the back bit.

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Tom Fenton

Install without removing the back bit?? Huh??


You really seem to be making this difficult. Hammer the stub axle away from you as you are looking at it. It will move back through the trailing arm. It is not retained by anything other than the interference fit in the trailing arm. Yes you will have to bloddy well give it a pisser, no amount of tapping with toffee hammers will suffice. When you have hit it far enough the inner race of the bearing will pop off into your hand. Then you can set off hammering from the other side to re fit the stub axle. When you fit a new bearing make sure you torque the nut to spec to ensure the stub axle is fully seated in the trailing arm. There is nothing else to it.

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ok, so thanks for the help.


took three sacrificial hub nuts to get the arm out, it was smashing the threads off them.



then used the puller for the last bit



some pitting on the inner race



Hopefully my better half wont find out I used her pedicure pad to flat off the high spots on the stub axle.. Ill buy her a pack of 400 grit wet and dry if she does, its basically the same thing...



Much better.


Edited by kyepan

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We have a problem, when we try to undo the hub nut from the NS rear stub axle (drum brakes) the pin rotates in the arm.  Above Tom says "It is not retained by anything other than the interference fit in the trailing arm".


Any suggestions?  TiA

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That's no bueno. You better look for another arm.

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stick an allen key in the back and get a big impact gun on it, relieve the staking on the nut too.

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Apologies if I am missing the obvious, but I can't find where an Allen key should go.

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there's the outer end, which you wind the hub nut onto

and there's the inner end, which seats into the trailing arm, it faces in and has the allen key hole


you can basically see it in the pic above where justin has the stub axle splines showing as its just come out of the trailing arm

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Time to send you arms to Bridgecraft for an upgrade. They will re-bore the hubs to the camber & caster of your choosing , along with fitting longer & bigger OD axles.

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