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Starting Problem

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I have been having an intermittent starting issue the last few weeks that only appeared when the engine was hot.


When trying to start the car nothing happened, all I heard was the fuel pump priming but the starter motor didn't turn.


After a few hours when the engine bay was cool the car always started fine.


Since yesterday it decided to do this always no matter if the engine is cold or hot.


I suspect a loose/broken connection somewhere or could it be the starter motor?


I bought a 2m cable and I have a multimeter, could someone help me troubleshoot the problem?


The car is running on Emerald so no tachymetric relay.


Thanks! :)


P.S. When replacing the servo with my collegue he disturbed the brown connectors under the dash as I found that by playing with the connectors/cables when the car was hot it would sometimes start.

This isn't the case anymore so it seems like this is not the root cause of the problem as I initially thought.

Edited by feb

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happened to me the other day... turned out the solenoid was dry

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happened to me the other day... turned out the solenoid was dry


What is the solenoid and where is it located? You can tell my mechanical knowledge is ... minimal to say the least :blush:


Did you have to spray it with an electrical contact spray or replace it?


Is it worth replacing the coilpack?


I've got a spare one that Anthony kindly gave me with the car.

Edited by feb

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Solenoid is part of the starter motor.


It certainly can cause the issue you're seeing, although it seems more likely to be wiring related seeing as it started after you were doing work in the vicinity of the wiring and disconnected one of the plugs.


Coilpack etc is completely unrelated, so no point in changing that.


I'll email you shortly with how to bypass the immobiliser and internal wiring on that car to rule that out - I'm not putting it on the public forum for obvious reason!

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Thanks Anthony, I got your e-mail, I will give this a try tomorrow!

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lol i had this prob with my first 205 replaced starter motor, battery and wire from battery to starter... i was young and didnt know what would have caused the problem... now tho im a little older so i would test this way... grab a length of wire (not thin speaker wire tho it will melt and hurt you) then take it from the + on the battery to the solinoid on the starter motor i think it be a little blue wire if memory serves me correct as you touch it on the connector the blue wire was connected to this should make your starter motor turn. If your starter motor turns then your wiring is at fault, if starter motor doesnt turn time to get a new starter or service the one you have

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quickest way to see if the solenoid is at fault get a extension bar for a ratchet look down at the right hand side of the inlet manifold (where the oil filler is, and the solenoid should be right there, get your bar carefully place it on the solenoid and whack the hell out of it while someone turns the key! don't have to be to harsh with the hammering tho :)


My solenoid was a bronze kinda color, pretty easy to find... its no further than the oil filler and directly below the right hand side if the inlet you cant miss it.

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It starts again!

It seems to be caused by one of the cables - white thick one - at the edge of the brown 9-pin connector that we disturbed when replacing the servo.

The cable has a few mm of play in and out of the connector and I am not sure how to fix this, I have used electrical heat resistant tape to secure it for now.




These cars drive you high and low, I feel satisifed that I have "solved" this now but when it caught me out on the side of the road and I wasn't prepared and I just wanted to get home it was very frustrating.


I'll be driving around with the plastic cowling under the dash removed for the next couple of weeks, toolbox in the car and towing rope just in case though!


Time will tell I guess, fingers crossed...

Edited by feb

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When mine did this, I bypassed those multiplugs with a new wire. Never had an issue since.


I could be dreaming things, but doesn't the csa of the wire changes across the multiplug?

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