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Battery Leaked

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I noticed the other day that my battery had leaked and acid has escaped through the front and side gaps of my GTi6 battery box. It's taken the paint off my gearbox and dissolved the outer layer of my top rad hose.


Obviously I am going to get a new battery as this one has had it, but wondered what the cause of this would be, and if it was something that is likely to happen to another battery.


The only thing I can think is when it was recharged months ago from being drained flat from cranking or the acid has sloshed around from entusiastic driving.


There contacts on the top are clean. Could it be an alternator problem?


I removed the filter and a few other bits in that area a few months ago (a few months after it's full charge) and can't say I noticed anything then so I'm thinking it's a recent issue.


Any suggestions?

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alternator could be overcharging.

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Bugger. Don't want to cook the newun.


What's the procedure for testing that?


Presumably test the voltage of the battery when it's running to see what it's putting out?


Not im a position to test right now as the engine is in bits.



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you can test at the battery and straight on the alternator.


just use a multimeter, on the 20 volts range will do. check the voltage charging at idle with no electrical load, then put it under load(headlights ect), then raise the revs up a bit(say 2500rpm) and recheck again.


you should get some where around 14-14.5v.

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Get yourself some soda crystals and mix up a little to wash down & neutralise the acid, stop it doing any more damage!

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I was thinking about trying to neutralise it Baz. Realised it wasn't going to be doing it any good having the residue around. Il look into the Soda crystals, cheers!

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As I have the car running again I was able to check this. With the engine running the battery is reading 14.45 I think it was, so doesn't appear to be overcharging.

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Henry Yorke

My regulator on the alternator failed and boiled the battery once on my CTI. this took out the (relocated) ignition amp and made it run on 2 cylinders. This put fuel effectively down the exhaust and cooked my cat in a glowing mass!!

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I think I'l buy an alternator anyway and perhaps a new battery and keep an eye on it.

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As I have the car running again I was able to check this. With the engine running the battery is reading 14.45 I think it was, so doesn't appear to be overcharging.


Was that measured at idle or did you rev it up? A faulty regulator will only show symptoms at higher revs.

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