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Mi16 Help

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hello there,


just want to introduce myslef first. Names Ross and i have recently purchased a 1990 1.6 gti that has had the Mi16 conversion done to it.


Im a bit new to the 205 gti's so please be patiant with any of my silly questions.


i want to ask a few questions regarding the conversion to make sure things have been done properly.


* how can i tall if the Mi16 ECU etc has been fitted/wired in?


* what are good things to check for on the conversion? i.e peoples short cuts?


* also i have found limited info on the Mi16 engine to find out how to tune it and what the emission settings etc should be? (the car is running very rich)


any help is much appriciated!



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look up caps - this is a program that will give you all the diagnostic information you need.


To know if it is using the 8v or 16v simply look at the distributor - if it has no big metal adapter and uses the bolt on dizzy it's on mi-16 management, another way to tell is rev it past 7k, if it gets there it's on 16v management.


thirdly, look for the ecu under the steering column, unplug the big connector, if it has three rows of pins, you have motronic with knock detection, if it has two rows of pins you have 2 row without knock detection.


Tuning wise - how much money do you have.


rich running, will probably be down to a dodgy ecu temp sensor, these are a commonly available part for about 12 quid from any motorfactors,


welcome to the forum.


Have a go with the search engine on a few of the topics above and see what you dig up!



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thanks for the reply looks like the Mi16 management has been wired in, although im not sure on how well.

it has some interesting wiring issues, not engine related but, when i put the lights on the fuel and oil pressure gauges increase and if i indicate a disco breaks out on clocks lol


i know there is an adjustable screw on the throttle body and airflow meter but what are they used for?


thanks again

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the air screw on the throttle body is to adjust idle speed once throttle initial position has been set, the screw on the afm is to adjust the mixture, i.e CO levels.

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when operating the mixture screw it makes no different to the CO level, how many turns from each 'stop' is it roughly? as turning it a few turns in both directions nothing happens. what is the ideal CO to aim for on the Mi16?



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same as an 8v, around 1.5%, the limit for MOT is 3.5%.


no idea if it actually has a stop, IIRC its a potentiometer rather than a bypass screw as on the 8v afm, in which case it could well be knackered, I had a Motronic MP3.1 potentiometer go faulty.

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thanks for your help i will look into that.


another question, is the gear box that came with the Mi16 the same as the 1.9 gti 8v? whats the thoughts on changing it to the 1.6gti box?


i have issues differentiating 1st and reverse which isnt fun when trying to pull away in a hurry :/

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Sounds like the reverse cable is missing so a BE1 box, This is the only way you would get this problem

The AFM's wear out as well causing rich running, did you get a MOT emissions sheet with the car, At least this gives you a rough idea where it's at

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What is the BE1 gearbox? And what do you mean by reverse cable? The collor to lift it up?

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BE1 gearbox is the older generation with a lift up reverse (the collar on the shifter), while newer cars were equipped with BE3 boxes on which reverse is behind 5th.

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Can the BE3 gearbox be used with the Mi16 engine?

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Yes, but you'll have to consider the gear ratios for your preferred driving style. A 1.9 GTI box has longer ratios, while a 1.6 GTI box will have shorter ones.


Regarding the rich running, does it run rich above 4000 rpm as well? The ECU ignores the flow meter above this RPM. If so then you should be looking the coolant temperature sensor or if you have the original Mi16 yellow injectors. Some people change to bigger injectors without knowing that the only thing they increase is fuel consumption.


Use this link http://www.bx16valve.co.uk/19.html to find the ECU user guide, that will help you diagnose all sensors on the engine loom and any problems ECU related.

Edited by unariciflocos

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Regarding the rich running, does it run rich above 4000 rpm as well? The ECU ignores the flow meter above this RPM.

Are you sure that's true?


Doing back to back tests rolling road runs with different AFM's on Kyepan's 1.9 Mi16 showed variation throughout the rev range when the AFM's were swapped, which suggests that the ECU does reference the AFM regardless of RPM. I can't remember the precise figures of the three AFM's we tried, but at full load one AFM was around 13.0-13.5:1 (about right), one was around 12.0-12.5:1 (a little rich) and one was around 15.0-15.5:1 (very lean).

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I remember Peter Taylor mentioning something about that a while back when I was trying to diagnose my AFM issues. I may be wrong though.

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You can use any BE box, BE1, BE3 and BE3/4 (6 speed), makes no difference at all, just the car and ratio's are the important factor, Allot of 205's have Derv box's fitted but you'll find you can do 80mph at around 3000rpm with those

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Can the BE3 gearbox be used with the Mi16 engine?


You can use any BE1 or BE3 with the Mi16 engine. You might need to swap the clutch pedal over, but that depends on exactly which combination of car and gearbox you use.

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Thanks for the replies, i will look into the running rich issues and see what i come up with.


Thinking the 1.6 might be good as i would like the lower ratios as dont do motorway drives much. Would only go on long motorway journeys for shows etc.


The 1.6 reverse gear under 5th?

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The 1.6 reverse gear under 5th?


On the BE3 Variant, yes.

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another way to tell is rev it past 7k, if it gets there it's on 16v management.



If the rev limiter is still in place as they're commonly removed, it won't rev beyond around 6500 or so, if you can trust the standard tacho that is. The best way to tell would be look at the number on the ECU or simply post a picture of engine.

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Also when i got the car i was supplied with a brass bush. Dont want to sound too thick but where does this go?

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where about's in Portsmouth are you??? post some pictures up of your new 205 :D nice to hear of another 205 in Portsmouth.

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Im from waterlooville, will chuck pics up when i give her a wash, shes in need of some TLC but brought it for the engine conversion. Always been after a GTi. Had the opertunity and went for it :)

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