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Loss Of Power

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Hi all,


Just done a recent engine swap from 1.6 to 1.9 changing all the relevent things and has been running fine until today when it will idle fine but as soon as you wanna give it some beans it runs like its on 3 cylinders and is very hesitant, any ideas ? I have had plugs out checked dizzy cap and arm sprayed carb ckeaner in throttle biby and AFM, my next step is swapping out the fuel rail from my project 1.9 in the garage

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Is the gearbox earth lead tight?


This will often give other symptoms as well but the engine movement under power can break the earth connection if it isn't great.



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Yep gear box earth is nice and tight its weird was running fine and has been for near on a week then all of a sudden this miss fireing under load

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If it's only under load, I could try another coil and AFM if you've got those on your donor/project car - although to be honest, most of the HT side of the ignition system could cause similar grief, as can a FPR that's not holding pressure.

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Tried all but the coil anthony however 5hrs of removing and swapping stuff off the donor car I have lost the will to live today, I will try coil over the next few days

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Dizzy signal cable , clogged injectors , ignition amp. (i always try a spare one when i have misfire issues ..) , worn out wiper track on the AFM resistor plate ... or could be something simple such as , fuel filter ..


Damir B)


I had once a intermittent misfire on higher revs upon accelerating , it did make me a proper mad man i ended up tearing all the engine components and replacing them with a spares for the test one by one but i simply couldn't find what's wrong by doing so ..

Eventually , i found the source of the problem - bloody spark plug , and just one :lol: .. all the rest where fine ... i did inspect it but visually it seemed ok. and was firing spark ..

Edited by DamirGTI

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