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Driveshaft Shortening?

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I'm putting a 206 GTI 180 engine in a 205 with 309 wishbones, i need the 206's drive shafts to fit. how does everyone else with 180 engines and v6s get around this. do they shorten the gearboxes original drive shafts or do they modify the 205's drive shafts to fit the 206 box? also if its a case of shortening the shafts where can i get this done?


Just to make it clear what i have is a 206 GTI 180 engine and gearbox with its drive shafts and a 205 with 1.6 hubs. anyones opinion/information regarding this is highly appreciated!!


(also length of 206 gti 180 shafts and length of 309 gti shafts would be helpful if i have to get them cut to match)!



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I believe you just use the original 205 XU/BE driveshafts with the EW/BE combination.


With the V6 conversions you shorten, plug, then weld the 406 ML driveshafts as the 205's BE shafts dont fit the ML box.

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Tom Fenton

I would consider swapping to 1900 front uprights etc to allow you to use the larger 1900 CV joints. With 180bhp I don't think the smaller 1600 joints would last too long?

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will the gti 180s gearbox (i assume is be) take the 1.9 shafts?

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i suppose the best way would be to weld half of the 206 shaft to the 205 shaft professionally of course, anyone know someone who does this?

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IIRC the hollow 206 shafts slide over the solid 205 items making it a bit easier/stronger, chop, careful measuring, weld...

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will the gti 180s gearbox (i assume is be) take the 1.9 shafts?


yes, negating the need for shaft chopping, Sandy did tell me that there was a difference with the intermediate bearing housing, as there's two types IRC, use the right one and standard 205 or 309 shafts can be used.

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