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Pry Bar Sets & Large Grips

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I want to get a set of cheapish pry bars but don’t want to pay Snap on prices as they won’t be used that often.


Has any one had any experience with the sub £20 sets on ebay, either Draper /Sealey/ Silverline etc?


Also looking for some cheap large grips too for pushing back calliper pistons etc – Any recommendations?

Edited by Rich_p

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I think my prybar set is a 4 piece draper set, they are fine for all the jobs i've used on the 205, weren't expensive either iirc.


as for pliers you'd be better off with a proper windback tool



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TBH other than using my breaker bar to push wishbones down, I have not come across the need for pry bars, I guess I dont feel the need to use brute force and ignorance that often :lol:


As for grips I would certainly avoid the cheap ones as they tend to slip and not have very good pivots, which is why I would personally spend the £20 or so on a set of Knipex water pump pliers, theyre about 10" long IIRC, not the large unwieldy ones.


More than enough to push a piston back, if you need any more force then theres something wrong, mine came from the MAC tools van :)


these ones http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Knipex-8801250-Alligator-Water-Pump-Pliers-Grips-250mm-/310319573520?pt=UK_Hand_Tools_Equipment&hash=item48407cea10

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Tom Fenton

I have a set of Snap On pry bars, they are the dogs bollocks and I would not be without them. Rather than struggling they make certain levering jobs easy.


Pliers wise, I have a pair of Laser large (18" or so) water pump pliers, again I would not be without these, they are very useful, if I remember right mine came from GSF and were not overly dear.

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Thanks both.


I'll give those water pump pliers a try. I've had very cheap ones and as you say the pivots were awful and the pliers felt like they were going to fall to bits.


I have a wind back tool like the one mentioned for the rear brakes on my civic but the fronts don't have notches in so the pliers will be more helpfull.


I'm getting the pry bars as I've been using large screwdrivers for certain jobs and they don't feel particularly safe!


A breaker bar is also on my list as I currently use a length of poll on my ratchet so not ideal! I may opt for a Halfords professional one to match my tool set.

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TBH other than using my breaker bar to push wishbones down, I have not come across the need for pry bars, I guess I dont feel the need to use brute force and ignorance that often.


My breaker bar now has a pry-bar shape ground into the handle for this very purpose. :lol:

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for pushing front pistons back in i always use a smallish G clamp, works a treat

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I just use a screwdriver between the pad and the piston, a screwdriver is warranted, a bry bar is not IIRC, just like a chisel, but a hammer through scxrewdriver is :wacko::lol:

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