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Ignition Lead Contacts Broken

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I made a bit of a boo boo earlier.


Removed my ignition barrell and wiring lead to get ready to take to the unit to try to start a 205 which has no keys.


Removed the barrell, and stupidly dismantled it to see how the contacts worked inside with a screwdriver. Anyway. I reassembled it and tightened the 2 screws. Went to turn the ignition with the key and felt resistance and when removing the screws again the insides fell to bits. I obviously didn't have the contacts aligned.




When I swapped the barrell over last year when I got a replacement lock set, it went in first time line up 'by luck'. I can no only assume that was because it was left aligned, and this time because of my moving of the contacts it's been tightened up in the wrong place and broken because of this.


Obviously I need a replacement lead, there is a chance the plastic bits may be available on there own, but I doubt it. Do GSF or the likes do the leads?


Does anyone have any tips for when I get a new lead, how to attach it to the barrell without ruining the contacts again?

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New lead has arrived. When I get home I will be putting it back together with the barrel.


I am intending to push it together without the screws in and move the key in the barrel until I feel the switch line up with the pins. Hopefully then it will be lined up for tightening the screws up and I don't ruin this one as well!


4 day weekend. I am determined to get the old girl out on the open road :)

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Great. Looks like I have the wrong lead.


Ordered from Neat car parts as a 205/309 ignition switch lead for all models.


And this is what the end looked like:




It's an X shape not Y like before.


Does anyone recognise this from a change over or another PSA car?

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Got the 'autolock gearstick adhesive' out and managed to glue a few bits of plastic together and reassemble it. All working :)

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