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Rose Jointed Drop Links?

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Having bought myself a set of arb drop links off the bay last year, had zero use of them till I got my car back from Miles a month ago, and then seeing that they were shot to pieces it got me thinking.....


Is it possible, or even plausible, to get rose jointed drop link bars??

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Yes, but you won't be able to use one for the bottom as the bolt axis is vertical.

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These are illegal on road cars down under..........otherwise I'd make some.

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Someone on here has made some before, and they accounted for the vertical plane if i remember by doing a double RJ at the bottom. I can't think who it was who did them, certainly one of the engineering types on here who make lots of nice bits, could have been Rippthrough, but it was a while ago that I saw them. Anyone want to own up?

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These are illegal on road cars down under..........otherwise I'd make some.


Illegal?? Why so??


I'd thought about the bottom joint, been trying to think of ways of making a bearing bracket to work for it...

I've got my mornings to look after my boy soon ad changing shifts to work from 3pm... Will give me a chance to do some research and see what I can find and possibly design if there's nothing already out there...


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Petert is in Australia. I don't see the reason why you would want to make the bottom one a rose joint? Just make the top joint into one, that would be really simple, easy and cheap to do.

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Yes, but you won't be able to use one for the bottom as the bolt axis is vertical.


very easy to overcome!



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ooh they look nice, do tell us where one may obtain such items.

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no idea sorry, just an old pic to illustrate, I think Phill has done some to fit a 205 as you mentioned.

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Not a bad idea actually, though it would work a hell of a lot better if the lower knuckle was in double shear - i.e. a U-shaped clevis. Anywho.. it wouldn't be too difficult to get something like that made up, if there was a good amount of interest I'd certainly look into it.

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In that case, I'll start the ball rolling Cameron.


1. tri_longer

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Handily I think I have a set of drop links in my cupboard at home, so I'll measure them up and get a design going.

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Excellent!! Saves me making plans and sending them into a fabricator....!!


Do I get a big discount for getting the idea rolling??? Haha :lol:


On a serious note though, whoever makes them, let me know asap as I want some very soon!!!

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Not a bad idea actually, though it would work a hell of a lot better if the lower knuckle was in double shear - i.e. a U-shaped clevis


Exactly what I was thinking when I saw that, would be pretty easy to make up cheaply and use a normal Rose jointed droplink.


main issue you have on the 205 is clearance due to their proximity to the hub carrier, but a small spacer on the upper mounting bolt would sort that, or a nice bend

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Tom Fenton

I am part way through making a set of these for my car. I have made a simple lower bracket on my mill from a piece of round bar, as described in double shear although I suspect single shear probably would be adequate for the loads involved.

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I'm still struggling to understand what benefits you achieve from adding a rose joint to the lower part where it usually just bolts to the ARB?

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It doesn't need replacing every six months when they knacker???

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Yeah, I just made a half clevis like that to allow use of the 306 ones I do:






double shear would be better but tbh single is fine for the loads involved.

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It doesn't need replacing every six months when they knacker???

You could just buy decent ones in the first place, and they'll typically last years on a road car.


I mean, do you honestly think that they only lasted 6 months when these cars were new?


Cheap unbranded pattern parts are more often than not a false economy, not just for drop links but in general.

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Cheap unbranded pattern parts are more often than not a false economy, not just for drop links but in general.


Completely agree with this. But I have a rule that I generally (excluding the gti6 with bodies and the recent 'box) won't upgrade something till its knackered... So, as I was a cheap ass last time, I thought I'd look into something good this time round lol


It's not just the drop links I'm in need of, it's all sorts of other bits too which I'll be putting a list together and going to see Peugeot with soon...

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my lemforder droplinks lasted 5 years before the boots died, joints them selves still good.

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Rose joints just look nice, I don't really mind that you can standard ones that do last, a bit of functional bling never hurts.

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I run a single sided clevis on mine. I also have just the one fitted at the moment purely to take any preload out of the arb.

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Already made mine!





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Oooooooooooh shiny! :D


Do you already make and supply these for 205's then? If so, it would be pointless for me to tread on your feet!


Edit: should really read the whole thread before replying! That was aimed at Mr Rippthrough.

Edited by Cameron

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