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Oil Tempreture Cable.

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The guage has never worked in the car since I got it. So today I decided to see if I could get it going.


On the back of the top of the engine I found 2 plugs. One with a purple cable and one with orange cable. Both have power going through them. I swapped them around on the connectors the were on. The oil tempreture gauge was now rising. However, the water temp gauge do not move.


OK. So I realised that the orange cable was for the water tempretue.


Is the purple cable for the oil tempreture?


If it helps I will try to post some pictures tomorrow.



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My oil temp guage doesnt work either and heres why, the white wire has broken off because of the temperature from the exhaust manifold. If i earth it the guage sings and dances so this is the wire you want for the oil temperature


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Cheers Slo. I ll go and have a look. Now, where's my torch!!!

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No joy. I may have to use 'fresh' eyes in the morning!


I could not spot the black sleeve with the white wire coming out. Is your picture from above with the air filter removed.


I found a connector on the bottom of the sump with no wire. I imagine this is where the oil temp is taken from?

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yup at the back this is the oil temp sensor. the white wire comes from a 3 pin brown multiplug that connects to where the main engine loom ends/connects round about in front of the thermostat/sad/temp housing its easy to spot white yellow and purple wires

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