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Exhaust Hangers Falling Off.

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How can i stop this bugger sliding off..



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bend the lower hanger so it sits further on, and replace the floppy engine mounts.

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Its the top mount that is vibrating off.. wouldnt of thaught it was engine mounts :huh:


most cars have little discs on the end you have to pop the rubber over <_<

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Its the top mount that is vibrating off.. wouldnt of thaught it was engine mounts :huh:


floppy engine = floppy exhaust = exhaust hangers coming off

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Bit of a bodge: put a cable tie round the end of the hanger?

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floppy engine = floppy exhaust = exhaust hangers coming off


Makes sence I suppose, I thaught it was all the bumps and vibrations but then I suppose those vibrations are from the "floppy engine" mounts :D


Zip tie isn't a bad idea actually, I was think of getting a mate to put a blob of weld on the end.

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Tom Fenton

Drill the end of the hanger, fit a penny washer and an r clip.

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it looks like the mount on the backbox is pointing up...surely that would work it way loose with time. i think there ment to point down, i refited my exhaust the other week its now more solid that its ever been!


On my the backbox it was fairly straight but towards the end it was slightly pointing down, and this was a scoripion exhaust system which is stainless steel but still somehow rotted and made 3 1mm holes in the backbox which i welded too!


If you where closer to preston way i would refit it for you.

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Think its the angle of the photo making it look worse, for the time being ive just stuck some zip ties on the end but when i have it off to weld it up ill probably drill some holes in the end and put some wire with washers on the end as a more permant fix.

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Think its the angle of the photo making it look worse, for the time being ive just stuck some zip ties on the end but when i have it off to weld it up ill probably drill some holes in the end and put some wire with washers on the end as a more permant fix.


A jubilee clip works as well !

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Yeah someone said about that on rallyereg iirc, i gave it thaught but i dont have any small enough really and as it has to come off anyway i thaught i may as well do the top option..

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Poly exhaust hangers fall off even easier than standard rubber ones - I'd cable tie them.

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