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Starting Trouble, Help!

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Ive got an intermittent starting issue with my 1.9gti, but every time i have a chance to spend some time on the car it starts! Never though i would be annoyed that my car started!?


If the car has been sat for a few days and i try to start it on the key it turns over but will not fire. But if i then roll down the hill it will bump start which makes no sense in my eyes. Also if i mess up the bump start and then try it with the key again it will start on the key.


Im not familiar with the engine workings of the car as ive only had it a few months so does anyone have any suggestions what to check first? I was thinking could it be a crank sensor issue and the jolt of the bump start gets it working?


Thanks for any help

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I had some weird/intermitent starting issues with my 1.6 - turned out it was the immobiliser on its way out (all sorted now).

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I had the problem again today, the starter def turns the engine over but it wouldnt fire. I then bumped it in reverse and it started. I removed the immobiliser when i got the car as it was very temperamental. It doesnt make any sense to me, If it turns over but doesnt fire how does bump starting work?!?!

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I have exactly the same issue on my 1.6 gti. I only do short journeys which drains the battery, so you could check that your battery is fully charged.


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Could be a number of things. Immobiliser, shagged starter/solenoid, the all-to-common brown multiplug on the gearbox or even the ignition barrel.


When I had this trouble, I actually ran a dedicated wire from the barrel straight to the solenoid. Fires first time now, or did. Been in hibernation for a year.


Do a search and all will be revealed!

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