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Road Pest

Which Replacement Clutch Cable

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Road Pest

Hi All,


I've been struggling with working out the right clutch cable for my August 88 registered 205 GTI 1.9.


Finally ordered what I thought was the right part and it doesn't look like the old one. I have pics but not quite sure how to upload them here.


Any way I have ordered the pin/rod that fits in place on the lever, part number 212046. The cable looks the right length but the fitting to the bulkhead is not the same. the new one has a white plastic bit with a black rubber end and the old one was just a white plastic one that clipped in almost.


I think I'm just a bit confused as to how the new cable fits onto the clutch. I have asked on Pistonheads and put pics up there if anyone wants to look.


Any help greatly appreciated. I bet it is fairly simple job but just need a couple of pointers.





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Sounds like you have bought the later type BE1 clutch cable, whereas you need the earlier type BE1 cable.


The difference between them as you've found is where they fit through the bulkhead.


Failing that, the other option is to swap the pedal box over to a later type one and use the new cable with that.

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Road Pest

When you say pedal box I assume you mean the bit by the bulkhead?

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Yes, the black part that is bolted to the bulkhead and the clutch cable passes through.

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Road Pest

The earlier cable is QCC 1370 I've been told and it's 1440mm, which is much shorter than the one I took off the car?

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:wacko: Edited by welshpug

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2150 73




2150 97





Motaquip part numbers -


BE1 G/Box ->07/88 VVC213 Clutch Cable


BE1 G/Box 08/88->VVC372Clutch Cable


BE3 G/Box ->12/89 VVC505Clutch Cable


BE3 G/Box 01/90->VVC367 Clutch Cable




VVC372 gives a length of 1562, which suggests that your 1440 is a BE3 cable as that's the length given for VVC367



does look like a very short period in late 89 where a BE3 was used with a clevis pin to secure the cable at the pedal.


you could easily file or bore the hole out to suit the later grommet.

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Road Pest

While I was confusing myself I might have confused everyone else. Think I have got my head round it now after messing with the car. Thanks for your patience! Think it will be easier just to get the correct cable so will have to wait another week to get it done :(

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Sorry to bring up an old post.


I'm wanting to replace my clutch cable. Ive been searching and have discovered the gti has 3 types of cables 1 for the BE3 gearbox and 2 for the BE1 gearbox.


Does anyone have any photos of the difference of the BE1 cables so I know which is the correct one. I understand the difference is at the bulk head?




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Road Pest

Yep, I have, currently selling the later be1 cable on pistonheads under 205 bits parts if you want to look. If your car is registered before July 88 then you want the earlier be1 cable. It hasn't got any rubber at the bulk head end. If you pm me I can send you pics but don't have pics of the be3 one.

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Thanks I'll see if I can work it out from your photo. I'm stuggling to work out if i need the earlier or later BE1 cable. Is it a genuine part?

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I don't have a picture to hand, but it's easy enough to ID them:


Earlier BE1 cable has is twist-fit at the pedal box with an angled plastic part


Later BE1 cable has the same pedal box fitting as the BE3 cable with a white plastic part that push fits into a rubber grommit.


BE1 cables can be ID'd by a clevis and pin on the pedal end, whereas BE3 have a white plastic part that hooks over pedal.


Hope that helps.

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I don't have a picture to hand, but it's easy enough to ID them:


Earlier BE1 cable has is twist-fit at the pedal box with an angled plastic part


Later BE1 cable has the same pedal box fitting as the BE3 cable with a white plastic part that push fits into a rubber grommit.


BE1 cables can be ID'd by a clevis and pin on the pedal end, whereas BE3 have a white plastic part that hooks over pedal.


Hope that helps.


Thanks Anthony, I'll have a look at the pedal end tomorrow and hopefully work it now armed with the above. I'm not sure when the last one was changed and the adjusing nut is seized. Replaced the starter motor without taking the inlet off today :) Just now got to change a leaking drive shaft seal

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if the rest of the cable is still ok you could do what I did last week, send a die down the threads to the nut and lock a pair of nuts together to see if you can shift it, and if that doesn't work (which it didn't!) just cut the nut across the flats on two sides and split it off the threaded rod.

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Thinking about it I've got one of those nut splitters.

I'll see if I can get it free tomorrow as the clutch needs adjusting sligtly. I'm tempted just to replace it for peace of mind.



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Personally, given how cheap they are, I would replace as a matter of course if you're not aware of it having been replaced in the past few years.


Motaquip sell the same "Dura" branded cable as OE.

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