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BC Devile

205 Rallye With Saxo Vts Engine. Gearbox/subframe Issues

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BC Devile

Fitting a tu5j4(saxo vts) engine in my 205 rallye. A couple of issues ive come across.

My rallye is fitted with a gti subframe and 1.9gti hubs, what diveshafts do i use. 106 gti shafts out of the gearbox and then split the end cv off and put a 1.9 gti cv on does this work? how many splines does the 1.9gti have? is it 23? anyone know a combo that works?


I know most people that have done this conversion are not running the gti subframe so they can just use the gti shafts.


also another issue with gti subframe, the engine and box are in but the bottom gear link/ball joint on the 106 gearbox is touching the subframe how do people over come this? Raise the mounting point of the box? or take a chunk out of the subframe?


Cheers Blair

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could you not fit base model hubs as 1.9 brakes still fit them and run the 205 base model shafts

Edited by custard-rallye

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BC Devile

Good idea but will the gti shocks fit and will the bottom ball fit I don't know if they are interchangable from the the gti's to the rallyes!


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yup :)

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Use base model hubs with your existing shocks etc, base model shafts with a inner cv off a saxo/106 on the shortest shaft.


For the gearlinkage I think mine use to have one with just ball on the higher one iirc think the lower one had been cut off.

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BC Devile

nice one everyone big help

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BC Devile

yet another problem, the driveshaft i have with the bearing carrier is too short, the shaft doesn't reach the gearbox, I thought 106 gti driveshaft with bearing carrier fitted, i must have a different one. i have this driveshaft off my old 106 gti'd rallye but its bent so i cant use it.




also the driveshaft bearing carrier has a rear engine fork coming off it, i dont think the 106 gti has from what i remember.


So what combo do i need to use? 106 gti driveshaft in the driveshaft bearing carrier i have at the moment, so i can use the rear engine fork ?


Cheers Blair

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The lower shaft looks like a BE one.



from what I know of others doing this conversion you just use 205 shafts and bearing carrier, 306 bearing carrier is the same.

Edited by welshpug

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Use a 205 tu 1.4 long shaft and 205 tu bearing carrier.

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BC Devile

Its getting there but more issues, on a base model 205 is the gear rod from the bottom of the gear stick longer than on a gti?

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Any pictures of your conversion mate I have a Rallye and been thinking about this engine in mine looking forward to seein your end result

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BC Devile

I havn't got a build thread yet. from building this one id say you are best having a running rallye and getting a cheap 106 gti / saxo vts makes it a bit cheaper and easier.

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the long shaft looks more like an XU one, if its in a 205 you need to use 205 TU bits.

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how did you get on with the wiring, ive got the 16v sitting in the shed hoping to do the swap this weekend, im running a base model 205 so driveshafts are sorted but stuck on wiring and pressurised fuelling how did you get round these issues.

cheers dartman

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Its the same as doing any wiring conversion, closest to the gti6 in the way it works, same ecu series but wasted spark not sequential.

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thanks for the speedy reply im just a bit stuck on the fuelling wiring, im abit of a novice with wiring, i understand that the ecu sends a 5v signal to the fuel pump but how would i wire this up or could i bypass the ecu and just run the fuel pump of a live wire, if using the signal would this need to go through a relay and then down down do the fuel pump!

thanks in advance.

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Ecu doesnt send any signals to the fuel pump, only the relay, just connect the relevant wire from the double relay to the 205's fuel pump wire.

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Pin 5 off the relay goes to the fuel pump via an inertia fuel cut off switch.

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SWEET thanks a lot fellas big help, one more properbly stupid question, does it have to be a relay from the 205 gti or the 106/vts or does it not matter?

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its on the 106 engine loom.

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as you guys seem to know alot about the wiring on this conversion i was wondering does the ecu just need a live feed to it? and what other wires are needed to get the engine started, this is my first ecu engine and wiring is my weak point espiecally as i dont have a wiring diagram so if anybody has one that would be a big help as there are 21 pins on my plug and i dont have a clue what any of them do!


many many thanks!

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superstar been trying to hunt this down fr at least 2 weeks,


thanks a million!

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your guna hate me by the time this conversion is working, but ive figured out why i cant make heads or tails of the wiring. instead of the wire which is suppose to go from the inertia switch to the feul pump for some reason goes in to the ecu! my loom and engine are from a saxo vts not a 106 gti would this make a difference i just assumed it would be the same loom? also i cant work out which wires need the power from ignition etc. i know what pins of the relay need power but i have no way of knowing what wire is in each pin as the silicon mould prevents me from tracing the wire to the pin as the numbers on the wires dont match up with the diagram i dont have a clue!

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You need to get a multimeter, and just sit down for a bit using the continuity setting to identify the correct wires. That's what I did, and it didn't take long at all...car even started first time lol.


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