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Over Fueling

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Whilst on the subject of over fueling. My car currently is a 1600 its been running the 1900 injectors for about 2 years im able to keep up with a friends 106 gti so im not down on power. I tried to change back to the 1600 injectors but the car wont allow it and missfires. Any idea why this is?

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AFM needs setting up properly, or swapping for a 1.6 item.

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Could be all manner of things - running a 1.9 ECU, has the wrong/faulty fuel pressure reg or as Welshpug says the AFM has been messed around with previously.

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Its already a 1.6 afm. And the ecu is "superchipped" as mentioned in another thread. Im still getting good mpg but just a stinky exhaust

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was it already on 1.9 injectors when you bought it? or did you fit them.


same as above, if the afm has been messed to allow the 1.9 injectors to work, prior to you owning it, it will need messing with again for you to return to standard injectors.


superchips iirc, remove the rev limit and nothing more.


you need to figure out what you're dealing with before going in the right direction.

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I done it myself as i used to tinker with older cars and it used to work very well with them. Just the ecu and injectors had been changed. Also have a ramair filter. Probs just more noise then huge power gains

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could be a dicky fuel pump, dicky FPR, dicky injectors, dirty fuel / filter, wrong or dicky afm.



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Actually my fuel pump started making a funny noise when i fired her up after 1-2 months of neglect like a whining. Possible dying fuel pump?

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