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Diode/resistor In Fusebox?

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Tucked behind my fusebox there's a black plastic holder with either a diode or a resistor in it (can't tell which without removing the glovebox and dropping the fusebox out of the way). Is this normal? I couldn't find anything on the Haynes wiring diagrams.

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Hi Ryan

Diodes used in this sort of area are usually used to de-spike relay coils. So, is it associated with an additional relay in, or around the fuseboard.


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This is the part I'm talking about:




It's not on any of the wiring diagrams. Is this a standard part, or has it been added afterwards? If original, what circuit is it fitted to (I can't put it out far enough to read the wire numbers)?

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Do you have aircon? Ive found something similar in the loom I am attempting to fit :)

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No, it was just a bog-standard 1.6 when I bought it. The only option fitted was remote central locking.

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I've definitely seen one before and it could be to do with the driving lights but I don't know what makes me think that?!

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Hi Ryan,

was it a diode or a shunt resistor ?


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I pulled the fusebox out as best I could without unplugging everything, and it's a diode. One side goes to the relay in the engine bay (dim/dip relay?), the other side is connected to wire 32M, which shares a pin in the fusebox with wire 32. Neither of these wires are on any of the wiring diagrams.

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ade 4wd

I can confirm it is a diode for the dim-dip relay.

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