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Quintet Insert Fabric

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Hi all,

This is a quick post to let you know that the replacement insert fabric I've been working on for a while, (OK not all the time as I gave up on it last year) has been submitted to a textile lab for test, and I'm pleased to say that it has passed the Martindale abrasion tests with flying colours. This may not seem a fact of major import , but it is significant for me in terms of pulling together the supply chain and also the quality of the materials I wish to use.



PS if you've forgotten what it looks like, or you are a fairly new member here's aquick jpg.



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Hi all, the final classification of the fabric was "a hard wearing fibre with minimal wear shown at the test conclusion (26,500 Martindale cycles) Both red and green variants were tested. I like the green I must admit.



regards Dave

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eddie bullit

Looks fantastic Dave! Keep up the good work.


I would love a good few metres of that for the future..



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Nice. The green looks amazing :D Glad you are having some positive results after all of your setbacks.



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You're gonna have it up for sale anytime soon?

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Looking very good, how much do you expect it to be?

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Hi All,

I must admit my fledgling trim business went into "development stasis" after my disappointing results with a Pro trim sewing machinist last summer. I think what it did show me was that I was very inexperienced in this field, and thought my enthusiasm would carry me through. I have been taking a lot more time to discuss things with people who know and this has enabled me to pick up the ball and start running again. (sorry about the sporting metaphor :) )

My new materiial is now approaching it's final development phase. Supply chain is pretty well in place, but thread selection etc needs a bit more investigation.My main cover materials will be 1) black needlecord cloth 2) Quintet 3) Alcantara 4) Hide, and 2 grades of vinyl for the seat backs and sundry material for the seat base dust covers.


My latest batch of bolster foams is hot from the moulds and is on sale through my web site shop.These have sold well and has vindicated my investment. I have now found a manufacturer who can provide me with the bolster foams for the front seat squabs (aka backrest) and I am awaiting delivery of the first protos (next week hopefully) for evaluation. Price and availability to be announced.


In retrospect if nothing else, I think I should have done a pattern making course (textiles) :wub: , and perhaps a textile technology degree, and perhaps......... :D Still things have picked up and I'm moving again. Quintet is manufactured in Turkey and there are implicit lead/lag delays, and the language doesn't help but I can see that being a viable Quartet replacement in about a month. Prices are hard to guage. I say this because the other material I wish to use are either just bloody expensive (i.e. Alcantara, soft hide) or a very specialist (and hence bloody expensive - i.e. the needlecord) My French supplier ran out last month as he had sold 3 lots of 150metres to the the "205 GTi club de France" - some €22,500 worth of business - he was over the moon but I was a bit pissed off mind. My "Quintet" won't be ridiculous though (after all I control the market). I also have to wait for design copyright to be granted (Name and look). Second level wash tests and athe UV A+B fade resistance. Also had the insert logo embroidery set up , the GTi logo from John G, and the PTS "Flamme". They look good - what do you think?








A fairly lengthy post - I hope I haven't bored you, but I wanted to tell you where I was at.

Keep the faith.


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eddie bullit

Excellent work Dave. It's a great thought to know that in the near future we'll all be able to replace our tired and worn seat covers with almost OE grade. As I've got a steel grey I'm over the moon that you've gone to the effort to manufacture green as well. I'm just hoping I can afford a pair.

Any discount for club members :lol:

Thanks again and keep us informed.


ps. posts can never be too long if they are informative IMO :)

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