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306 'quick Shift' Same As 205?

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I have a 'quick shift' I think you would call it which I removed from a 306. Would it be the same as a 205 one?


Here is a pic of it:




Ignore the buggered rod. Is it fitted in the correct place?


I can't say I noticed a huge difference with it in place, but then I wasn't aware of it being fitted either until I dropped the subframe.


I'm fitting miles' rods at the weekend and wondered if it was worth fitting this at the same time?

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I doubt you'd have enough space to run that in a 205, IMO having experienced a few 205's with all the bushes and linkages repalced the shift is short and precise enough as standard, conversely a friend has a rallycar with a severely shortened shift but shot bushes and play in the balls, mis shift and blue air is pretty common in the bloody thing :lol:

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You may have a point actually. I had to modify one of the bolts/spring on the manifold to downpipe join as it was rubbing on the long gear rod. I seem to remember worring that the linkages weren't going to pass behind the manifold but luckily they do. That moves it forwards a fair bit and I would probably foul it. Can get it a go when I do the rods I guess.


Bit of Lithium based multi purpose grease alright on the ball joints?

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yeah anything but copper grease :)

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You say you haven't noticed much of a change with the quikshift... I have one like that on mine and it feels nothing like the one I had on my 306, try this one




The 306 one is pretty good, fitted with the metal linkages it was short and stiff hardly any play in the stick. Felt really nice.


Just noticed the adjustable one for the 205. Could be worth looking at?

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There was possibly 5mm between the rod and my manifold, so was a no no!

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