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Anyone Know Where The Indicator Earths?

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I have a dim indicator bulb on the dash. All lights work fine and don't seem dimmer.

Where should I be checking for the earth or the issue?

no other lights on the dash board are dim.


Also would this have anything to do with my stereo cutting out when I try to turn it up?



Edited by A2TheA

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I think the dash lights are on the earth block attached to the steering column but the individual indicator earths for the front indicators to the earth block inside of each headlamp on the front panel.


Rears iirc are also near each light unit.


I wouldn't expect either of these to give you issues with the stereo but it could even be the fuse box thats at fault.



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The stereo does (or atleast did in my previous 205 - not checked any others) earth to the same point as the dashboard, on the left hand side of the steering column bracing. These earths don't normally give problems as they don't suffer damp/corrosion like the engine bay ones do, but it's worth checking/cleaning/reseating as a first port of call.


If the fault persists with the stereo, it would be wise removing it and double checking the heater matrix isn't leaking onto it.

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Also would this have anything to do with my stereo cutting out when I try to turn it up?


Check the battery voltage when the engine is running, I've known stereos to cut out like the when alternators begin to die and the voltage gets a bit too low.

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