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Arp Bolts On Stock Xu5 Rod - Won't Fit

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I can't make sit the bolt on my rod. Here's the ref of the bolts :




Can you confirm it's the good ref ?


Here's the picture of where the bolt is stuck :



Thanks for your help and answers,



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Interestingly, that's a different part number to the ARP bolts that I've used before:




Point 2 on the instructions is what Alan mentions above. A set of Mi16 rods I had needed slight modification for the bolt head to sit fully home.

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Thanks for your answers.


Allan : With my hammer, I can't go further, the rod is slipping in the vise.


Anthony, I have printed the same instructions. I have the same number parts that the one on your picture (I dont understand your first comment). The chamfer seems enough on the bolt but i'm not sure.

Did you(or your machinist) needed to remove the piston to make the chamfer ? I just have made fitted new piston, and on a 1600, the piston pins are press fitted.


By the way, two machinist in my neighborhood said to me that there is not need to resized rod when the bolt are changed, and there encouraged me to do it by myself, what's your opinion on that ?


Thanks for your help and answers,


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Measure the thickness of the bolt in different places, if the top isn't bigger than use the bearingcap and the nuts to pull it in rather than hammering it in.

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Tom Fenton

That isn't a great idea, you risk deforming the rod. That is why the ARP instructions mention (i) checking the chamfer on the rod and (ii) pressing the new bolts into the rod.

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You might want to put the bolts on a freezer for some time and maybe even heat the rods a little bit. That might help, although if it doesn´t fit as they should and at room temp... there´s probably something wrong ith it wand having them fit by force would probably do more harm than good...

Edited by NNN

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My engine builder had to machine the rod a tad to get the bolts to fit which is what he has had to do on nearly all of them.

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Thanks for your advices.

Just to let you know how it ends. I have bough a decent micrometer and check the diameter of the ARP and the stock bolt near the top, and they are the same (or less than i can measure). I also tried to drive the stock bolt back in, and I failed also, so : I have drop the bolt and the rod to a machinist, with all the rest of the block, to make it check.

I might start a threat to tell my story of this building.



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