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1.9Xud Clutch

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right im fitting a 1.9dt engine and box into my stdt, clutch type is a pull type but the original was a push. will i need to make any modifications. i.e a different clutch cable, 205 fork etc.


all help greatly appreciated

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It's the same principle as the Xsara VTS gearbox conversion, you need to swap the clutch fork and lever. Also the gear selector arm needs changing. http://forum.205gtidrivers.com/index.php?showtopic=103953&view=findpost&p=1227155

Unsure of the diameter of the 1.9 DT clutch but you'll need to fit an 1.9 MI16v clutch or similar as it's a push type :)

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Can i fit the 1.8 clutch with the 1.8 fork and lever?

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only if you use the 1.8 flywheel,, though if its tuned youll want to retain the larger 1.9 clutch

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Ok thanks, so basicly i fit the 1.8 gear selector, fork and lever with a mi16 clutch. Then i should be able to retain the old cable?

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Yep. MI16 clutch on the 306 flywheel that is.

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Thanks paul, would the clutch handle that much torque

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Has anyone got a link for the clutch as theres quite a few options on the bay

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Will this work. 306 clutch, 306 fly, 205 pressure plate and 205 fork and cable.

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don't quite get what you mean?


pressure plate is part of the clutch assembly.

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I Was chatting to strictly derv and he said that this was the combination he was going to use, i personally will go with the mi16 clutch but im just not entirely sure if it wil handle the torque,


Has anyone got a link to the clutch i need?

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given that the standard MI16 pushes more torque than the TD, I would imagine it to be just fine.

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Ok thanks mate, do you have a link to the mi16 clutch :)

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With mine I used the 306 fly, 306 clutch plate, 205 pressure plate and 205 fork.

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But thats with the 1.8 box isnt it?

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They can all be used in the same way i'm pretty sure.

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So what was the outcome of this?


I will be needing a new clutch in mine and will be fitting a 306 DT box awell.

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just fit the same clutch again and swap the push arm to the DT box :)

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I'm planning on getting a 306 padle clutch kit to handle the power, so would it be posilble to fit whole kit with the 306 box?

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depends which 306 clutch you intend to use, pull or push?


you can use a 306 pull cable in a 205 BTW, there's about 20mm difference in the length for the normal push clutch cables and the ends are the same.

Edited by welshpug

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depends which 306 clutch you intend to use, pull or push?


you can use a 306 pull cable in a 205 BTW, there's about 20mm difference in the length for the normal push clutch cables and the ends are the same.


I'm planning on using a complete 306 pull type paddle clutch kit with the 306 box. Hopefully it works as I need that clutch to handle the torque.

Edited by Strictly_Derv

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