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Oil Pressure Gauge Reading Constant

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Hi guys, i know there has been lots of questions about oil pressure and gauges in the past but i cant find any that are the same as mine. Basically, on my newly purchased 205 1.6 Gti, the oil pressure gauge seems to sit within the 2nd and 3rd bars on the dial all of the time. It only moves very slowly between the two points as well. When idling it sits around the 2nd bar then if you blast up to 4k rpm or more the gauge slowly goes up to the 3rd bar on the dial but no more. Also when starting the engine the gauge only slowly moves up into position. The engine was replaced and rebuilt in 2009 and i have all the invoices/receipts for the work from the previous owner so i would assume that a new oil pump was fitted at the time surely. I have no experience with 205's as this is my first one coming from an old mini which ive just about learnt every fault/quirk going for em by now haha! The engine seems to pull very well, especially above 3k rpm and it runs nicely with no fumes from exhaust at all but the idle goes up and down a lot but i have been told that is probably air flow meter or something but all these things are new to me as my mini had very little in the way of electrics/sensors and obviously no ECU. Has anyone any ideas on this, im not sure if it really is the engine/pump or just a dodgey gauge. Im leaning more towards a dodgey gauge/sendor or something rather than the engine i would have thought.



I wondered also could it be anything to do with a pressure relief valve? Ive had troube with mine on my mini in the past, sorted it out with a new ball/spring. Anyone thats got any ideas id be glad to hear!


Much appreciated,



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I had the same issue, the gauge on mine hardly moved so decided to put a new oil pressure sender unit on and it now works fine, if your looking for where it is, it lives under the intake manifold alternator side

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If it's moving very slowly, one possible cause could be physical resistance to the needle. If for instance, a previous owner has been messing with the gauges, they could have pushed the needle on to it's shaft too far, and it could be rubbing on the face of the dial, causing friction. If that were the case, put a thin flat blade screwdriver under the centre of the needle and gently prise it up a tiny (like a fraction of a mm) little bit.


Apart from that, I'd say it's likely to be a duff sender of duff gauge.


One test you could try is to take the wire off of the sender and earth it somewhere (clean part of block for example). Have an assistant watch the dial while you earth it and remove it, and see if the dial moves slowly or quickly. If still slow, it a fault with the guage. If fast, it's a fault with the sender.

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Hey guys, thanks a lot for the replies, both very helpfull. I'll try test the sender tomorrow as suggested to see what part is actually faulty and hopefully ill have this sorted soon enough!





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the pressure sensor also gets filled with gunk sometimes cleaning it will give a clearer more responsive gauge too.

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