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8V Liners In Mi16?

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I'm about to start a rebuild of an Mi16 engine I bought a while ago for my road car, took the head off last weekend and found a bit of a rusty mess in 2 of the cylinders and doubt they'd be salvageable without a rebore at least.


The 8v 1600 engine from my rally car (now a ball of scrap :( ) was built with new pistons / liners about 2000 miles ago and will probably be stripped and sold in parts as the block is damaged :(


Could I use the 8v liners in the Mi block? I realise they're different (i.e. not cast / webbed like the Mi ones) and should fit size-wise but will they take the extra stress?

I know what the 8v ones cost and can't imagine the 16v ones will be any cheaper...


Anyone have any experiences of using 8v liners in an Mi engine?




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Tom Fenton

As far as I know, the 8v liners will fit an Mi block. As always when mixing/matching you will need to check liner protrustion carefully.


As for will they stand the extra "stress", the 8v liner is tougher than people give it credit for, I make over 200bhp from standard 1600 pistons and liners in my turbo motor.

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direct fit no problems at all, no weaker either to what some believe as the weakest part is between them, yes the Mi's have extra ribbing on the outside edges and that's it,

I've had 8v turbo's with good torque figures never have a problem with std 8v liners, Just make sure they are good ones

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I've had an Mi that's been rebuilt with 8v liners, no issues whatsoever.

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so you could use 8v liners and pistons in a 16v with no issues ? no loss in power or stroke ?

Edited by jonny6

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Don't think you could use pistons as they wouldn't have the valve cutouts.

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Thats great thanks for the replies guys. I'll be checking the protusions etc, dont want to run into problems once its all built up.

Hopefully like my 8v the liner seats won't be too corroded so just give it all a good clean up,new seals and it'll be job done :)


Thanks again lads

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