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Team BDR

Whats Part Is This?

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Team BDR

I'm replacing my engine due to a cracked block. The replacement engine appears to be from a newer car with the coil pack mounted on the inlet. I have the part below that was connected to a blue wire which i believe goes from the ignition barrel through the 7? pin brown plug to the starter motor. I was wondering if its okay to just cut it out and re join the blue wires? Is there a guide anywhere on this engine conversion? I've noticed some differences between thermostat housings coolant hose sizes/routings, ive also got two positive battery terminals so need to figure out how to remove one?







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Is it the end of the solenoid from the starter motor?

Edited by Fox

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Dizzee stuff

That is a starter motor solenoid, to me this looks like a bodge repair and you should be considering replacing the starter motor for the standard item.

Edited by Dizzee stuff

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That is a starter motor solenoid, to me this looks like a bodge repair and you should be considering replacing the starter motor for the standard item.


Beat me to it by editing!


Those power cables don't look correct either, I'd imagine they've been replaced and have been fitted with new ring terminals.

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Team BDR

Thanks for the replies guys. I thought it looked a bit "after market" from the wiring. The replacement engine didnt come with a starter so I used my old one. I'll just re-connect the blue wire then,





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That is a starter solenoid from an original mini.



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Are you sure thats a starter solenoid as my mates k reg gentry has one and the starter motor is the normal peugeot item with the blue wire.

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Are you sure thats a starter solenoid as my mates k reg gentry has one and the starter motor is the normal peugeot item with the blue wire.



If its being used as the starter solenid is a different matter but its definately a solenoid off an original mini imo.



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