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8V Wide Belt Upgrade

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I thought you might like to see this mod I'm doing on an 8V to take a 19mm wide belt (17mm standard). I've separated the parts a few mm for clarity.


From left to right: Mi16 oil pump sprocket - Mi16 seal spacer - Mi16 cam belt pulley reduced to 19.2mm wide - 8V single multi-groove pulley.


It pushes the multi-groove pulley out 1.5mm but this is easily accounted for at the alternator.


Edited by petert

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What's your reasoning behind this Peter?


8v cambelts generally seem to last extremely well on standard engines, and I've not personally heard of or experienced anyone suffering failure when running double valve springs and similar if they've been sensible with reducing belt change intervals accordingly. Not sure about on your side of the world, but certainly over here at least they're very cheap and easy to get hold of too.

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8v cambelts suffer lots of movement, hence the reasoning behind this to combat it AFAIA. Not exactly a new idea and has been done to many a competition engine.(I don't mean any disrespect by that!)

Edited by Baz

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Yes, it's a race engine. I needed a 112T belt and it came in 19mm.

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heavy head and block skims?

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