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Ignition Key Won't Turn!

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Right now my 205 is stuck on the driveway, in the rain, with water seeping through the hole in the sunroof. Great! <_<


I went to move it into the garage when it started raining the other day but for some reason the ignition key just wont turn. It seems to push in all the way so i don't think there's anything stuck in there. Ive tried giving it a little wiggle but still nothing happens. And no, the steering lock isn't on :rolleyes:


Is it just a case of the ignition barrel being too worn? The car has covered a good 130k. Or just jammed for some reason?


I've read into replacing the ignition barrel, but without being able to turn the key it seems to be a bit of a c**t. Someone mentioned replacing the entire column! There's a breakers yard near me so getting spares isn't a problem.

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replacing the column sounds like a big job, but you can have it done in 20mins if your handy with a wrench. Theres a thread on here recently where somebody drilled theres out, apparently quite easily.

Edited by BERTMAN

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Dizzee stuff

Does the key seam worn, do you have a spare key? have you tried it. I have had this happen, worked ok with the spare. A friend of mine has even had a new key cut from the old worn key an it worked.

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