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205 Cti S16 Dyno Result

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Had my car dyno'd before just to check its power output, I knew it wasn't running 100%. It's an S16 with general breathing mods and apparently a remapped ECU, made 151.4bhp with severe overfueling, the graph only shows bhp because my rev counter wasn't working to test torque. My exhaust is also blowing majorly! What can cause overfueling? It runs fine and doesn't cut out ect. Nick

Edited by Nick_j_r

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Is this the one on ebay?

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Yep I bought it off eBay

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Thats not too shabby at all really!


Whats the ECU situation on the s16, does it have a lamba sensor? If so that could be causing the overfuelling. Either way it's going to be a sensor one side or the other of the combustion chamber, unless something really odd is happening.

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What makes you think that it's severely overfuelling?


The lambda values on that dyno print out look pretty reasonable to me and about what I'd expect at WOT, going from high 13's AFR down to low 13's.


Fuelling on idle and cruise should be a bit leaner than that as it will be controlled by the lambda sensor, and should hover around 14.7:1 (lambda = 1.00). If it's not, check/replace the lambda sensor and go from there - assuming of course whoever did the conversion actually fitted it into the exhaust!

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