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Gearbox Ratios Question

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I'm building 205 with Mi16 1.9 engine for trackdays and faced with the question which gearbox to choose.

I see 1.6 gti, 1.9 gti and Mi16 have little bit different ratios.


Is it possible to take ratios from different gearboxes and build one?

Have anybody experience of building?

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Yes you can, to a point anyway, providing both gearboxes are of the same type (eg BE3)


Some people like to use the final drive from an Mi16 gearbox (4.4) together with 1.9 ratios, which gives a short, close ratio box - works well on the majority of tracks although too short for something like the Nurburgring, and too short (IMO) for a regularly used road car.


Off the shelf and without changing anything, a 1.6 GTi gearbox is probably the best choice for a Mi16 track car and is still perfectly useable on the road as well.


You should be able to find plenty of information on the subject, including gear ratio spreadsheets/calculators if you do a search :)

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Thank you for information

I will do a search :)

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