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Fuel Pump Relay Loom

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It appears I have no fuel pump relay, anyone got a few photos of the loom please, trying to work out what goes where

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Fuel pump relay on the Turbo loom is that black/brown large 15 pin relay, about the size of a large box of matches. I can't remember specifically where it is located on a Turbo loom, but chances are that it's probably within a foot or so of the ECU plug if other later looms (GTi-6 etc) are anything to go by.


You don't need the original tachymetric relay that the 8v used - this is completely redundant when running later management.

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Oh right, I was looking for the relay under the dash, I havdnt taken the on out and there isn't one there, I did have a random wire loose from my loom (bought a ready made turbo loom) maybe that should be set up as a relay then, any ideas how I can, I suppose retro fit it, just need to know where to take the remote feed from, either that or I will just but a toggle switch on place

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*If* the ready made loom has been made properly, you shouldn't have to do anything besides plug it in to the underdash brown plugs.


The old fuel pump relay that lived under the dash is part of the Jetronic engine loom, so when you removed that to fit the turbo loom, you would have removed the old relay as well. That's fine, as you don't need anything that's on that loom.


As said, the fuel pump relay is part of the Turbo loom and is switched by the ECU.

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Ah thinking of it I may have removed it when I took the old ECU and writing out. I totally forgot about that :(ight be a screwed relay on the loom under the bonnet, If I remember there is quite a large unit, size of a fag box maybe, will have a play at the weekend, top man cheers

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I'll see if I can get the pin out from the ECU and connect that to the bit that sends the signal to the relay, connect my random wire to the other side and fingers crossed all should be good

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You shouldn't need to make any changes like that if the loom has been done properly.


The ECU sees the engine turning via the signal from the crank sensor, and it then activates the fuel pump relay which turns the fuel pump on.


You shouldn't need to add any wires - the only wiring is where the turbo loom joins to the two underdash multiplugs on the 205 interior loom, and all that should have already been done by whoever made the loom if it was converted. Don't just blindly connect wiring if you don't know what you're doing, as that's almost guaranteed to break something!


The fuel pump relay looks something like this btw:



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Right, tracked down my relay, had it out and bench tested it, and all works ok. Guess I need to strip the covers off the wireing looms and see what goes where, I am getting the feeling that the person had made the loom has wired it up so instead of feeing from the remote side of the relay his wired it in to the live side

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no need to strip the loom yet, just test the wires with a multimeter.

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Good point, I suppose I can test them at the plug, I think I need to test pin 3 from the ECU to check the pulse is correct, and at te really pin 10 should be attached to the same wire. If the wire is live all the time I assume my ECU is screwed or a wire shorting as this is my signal wire, And relay pin 9 Goes to fuel pump so need to test this isn't constant live, have the feeling he has by passed the relay and wired this as always live

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Good point, I suppose I can test them at the plug, I think I need to test pin 3 from the ECU to check the pulse is correct, and at te really pin 10 should be attached to the same wire. If the wire is live all the time I assume my ECU is screwed or a wire shorting as this is my signal wire, And relay pin 9 Goes to fuel pump so need to test this isn't constant live, have the feeling he has by passed the relay and wired this as always live

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make sure you have the permanent fused live and the switched live the right way round.

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Sorry about the repost poxy phone!

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