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Alarm Removal

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i have an alarm on my 205 and want to remove it, generally speaking are they a pain to remove?


just want to try and eliminate the non starting prob i have.

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Tom Fenton

This is a bit of a "how long is a piece of string" question.


Mainly it depends on how well (or badly) it was installed in the first place.


If its been done well you could be there ages trying to unpick it all and rejoin wiring.


If its been done badly you could have it bypassed in a matter of minutes.

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Whip the couling off and trace the wires to assess the level of install as Tom says.


Mine had an awful redundant alarm 'left' wired in to it. The ignition wires were actually installed fairly neatly so was easy to remove and rejoin. Then it was just a case or removing the loom from the engine bay, up and out from the A pillars to the interior light and bobs your uncle. There were some scoth locks in the fuse box which had been clipped where they spur off, so a tidy up sorted that.


Mine was a mid 90's argos job I imagine so was fairly simple to trace.


If you are removing a modern 'decent' one, you will have more digging to do, but ultimately it is not invisible wiring so common sense and more time than a criminal has will trace it.

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