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ash mi16

Mi16 With Cams And Twin 40's

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ash mi16

hey, ive just bought a 205 1.6 gti in miami blue, its got a 2.0l mi16 with ported and polished head piper cams and running on twin 40 webber carbs, just want to no wot sort of power it should be putting out atf, thanks ash

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ash mi16

hey, ive just bought a 205 1.6 gti in miami blue, its got a 2.0l mi16 with ported and polished head piper cams and running on twin 40 weber carbs, just want to no wot sort of power it should be putting out atf, thanks ash

i mean weber carbs :/ Edited by ash mi16

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How long is a piece of string? There's not a lot of details there to go by and even if there was it'd just be a guessing game.


Please try and write full words and use punctuation or the forum gods will come down on you like a 13 year old from Basildon! Welcome to the forum. :)

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ash mi16

How long is a piece of string? There's not a lot of details there to go by and even if there was it'd just be a guessing game.


Please try and write full words and use punctuation or the forum gods will come down on you like a 13 year old from Basildon! Welcome to the forum. :)

i no what you mean, i try to use full words but im use to 106oc where people short text all the time ;), but this is my 2nd 205 now and im going to try and keep this one :D and thanks

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wot - wide open throttle?

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For a rough estimate there are some smartphone dyno apps that are quite good. You enter the mass of the car and depending on the acceleration it will calculate your approximate power.

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ash mi16

For a rough estimate there are some smartphone dyno apps that are quite good. You enter the mass of the car and depending on the acceleration it will calculate your approximate power.

thanks mate will try that, guna get it setup on the dyno soon anyway :)

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