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Sloppy Giuseppe Gears

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i'm thinking right that there are 3 gear linkages as i have seen them for sale and all can be bought separately


is it worth replacing them all?

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first thing to check would be the bolt that holds the 'L' shaped linkage in place, if thats loose, your gearstick will be like stirring a couldron full of porridge

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and the balljoint thing with the 13mm nut inside the subframe from underneath, don't forget to counterhold it with a spanner above.

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In addition to that, the one that holds the ball in place on the subframe (on which the left-right bit pivots on) can come loose and makes the gearchange as vague and sloppy.


Of the gear rods themselves, chances are that if original they'll all be a bit second rate by now, but it's usually the longer of the two on the gearbox (the one that does the forward-back change) that wears first, and has a habit of popping off at the most inconveinient moment when changing gear, leaving you stirring a whole box full of neutrals.


Bushes on the L-pivot and the bottom of the gear lever are worth replacing too, as they too are often worn.


It's amazing how good the gearshift on a 205 becomes when you've properly replaced everything to rid it of slop and vagueness.

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i had a look underneath yesterday whilst replacing the lower engine in situ and had a feel at the rods and there is loads of play on the rods themselves and are the old original rods


ok now i have established the rods are worn, where are the best place to buy these?

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Will give you a call tomorrow, as I've just got back :huh:

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I'll second all of the above, I replaced everything on my gearing setup, rods and all the bushes the 205 actually has a really decent gear change when it's all fresh!

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