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Lock In!

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Just experienced a lock in - and not the type where I used consume alcohol until the early hours! Last weekend the CTI started playing silly buggers when trying to close the door, after the 3rd slam and checking that I hadn't jammed the seatbelt in it it closed. For a moment I thought the door had dropped but I opened it and closed it several times without a problem. Tonight I got back from a trip out and tried to open the door from the inside but it wouldn't budge. I tried pulling the door pin (phase 1) up but it felt jammed in a sort of middle position (not locked but not open), pulling on the internal door handle, exterior door handle and turning the key lock have all made little difference. At the weekend I'll whip the doorcard off from the inside (think this is possible??) and try and see what's happening. Anyone experienced this problem before? Hopefully something that just needs a good greasing.

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it;ll be the lever that is activated by the outer handle seized onto its pivot, it will be stuck in the up position.


lots of GT85 and wiggling will fix it.

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it;ll be the lever that is activated by the outer handle seized onto its pivot, it will be stuck in the up position.


lots of GT85 and wiggling will fix it.


Get your hand around the loch mech inside and play with the various levers until it pops open, and as Welshpug says , most likely the link from the handle has started to seize. Striker pin on the body may have moved inward with the slamming, making it worse.

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Thanks guys, it was exactly that! A good dousing in the oily stuff has sorted it out.

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I do like the forum :)


I experienced the same this weekend, was pondering how much I was going to have to strip down (fortunately though I had to door card off already when it decided to do the "lock in". Will get my oil can out...

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