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New Cam Followers?

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Not going to bother posting a picture because pretty sure theyre shagged, a worn/pointy cam has basically scratched the surface of them.


I used a slate for about 30 secs and it cleaned up the faces but the scratches are definitely staying. So instead of false economy.....


Best place to buy new? Peugeot? Any idea on price or if they're even still available?

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942 17, £21 each.

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Ouch. I need all 8.

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I would think I can still source them, been a few years but I can check if you want

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If you could miles, I'd like to build the spare head up off the car which rules out using the one currently fitted to the car.


Let me know if you can and I price?


If not I'll see if my mate can locate any through Payen or something.

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The followers all look like this on the sides but the faces have marks from the worn cam lobes.

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If the marks aren't too deep , the top side can be resurfaced by hand grinding/polishing with few grades of sanding paper (start with 600grt -> 800 -> 1000 and end/polish with fine scotchbrite pad , tape down the sanding paper on a flat board , oil the sanding paper with engine or two stroke oil , place the follower top side down apply moderate force and hand grind in circular motion until the top side turns mirror finish ..)


Did this a few times and it really works , they turn up like new .. + the engine runs whisper quiet afterwards + you can re-shim the engine more precisely ..


Damir B)

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If you are on a budget then the XUD engine uses the same ones, not so prone to wear as they run at half the rpm and can be found in much newer vehicles, good source of shims too.

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Cheers damir,


I did try refacing them using 600 then 1200 as that's all I had, I then used rubbing compond then autosol on a cloth. Did in a figure 8 motion, half of them came up good, half not so much although it's a lot better. I'll try again as the paper was loose on my flat board and I didn't put much conviction into it after my arm got tired tbh. Might explain why half didn't come up so well!


I'll have a look in the scrappy if that's the case welshpug, I've purchased a vernier pulley off a mate and I'll talk to my engineer as the face of the head may require a drastic skim so I will have to adjust the timing to remove the retardation (lack of a better word) of the cam as a side effect of the skim.

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