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Stuck In Reverse

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A search did not yeild the results I am looking for, so:


Out for a drive today with the missus and out 2yo toddler, stopped in a supermarket for a snack for his lordship (2yo) and whilst maneovering into a space, the car became stuck in reverse. The clutch goes in and works (so we could push the car out of the way) but the shifter will not get the car out of reverse. It moves - a lot further forward than normal, won't move right much at all (like something is jammed) and pulls back not as far as normal.


Just got home after a 5 mile walk with little one on my shoulders *phew* he's getting heavy! (No buses here on a Sunday, no taxi's answering their phone and no mates available to pick us up)


Whats happened to my car?!! Hope its something not too difficult/expensive or there may be a 1.6 GTi for sale with a stuck gearbox...

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Not just the linkage rod has popped off? Common if the linkages are original as they tend to wear and become loose.


If there's little resistance moving the lever forward and back, that's probably what it is - should be obvious when you have a look anyway.

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Cheers. Sounds like that could well be the issue. The car has only done 79k (on an F-plate!!) so it probably is original - most everything else is other than the SS manifold and exhaust (that I neither like nor want).


Um... Maybe stupid question but best way of checking this? I'm reasonable competent with mechanics - basic servicing, maintenance and tuning I'm ok with. I can do a lot more on my Nissan 200sx but I don't have much experience with 205's.

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Look down the back of the engine behind the gearbox, and you should see an L-shaped pivot underneath the exhaust manifold on the subframe, and from that there should be a gear linkage rod that goes to the selector arm on the gearbox. That linkage rod is particularly prone to wear, and chances are that it's popped off at one end, meaning that as you move the gear lever back and forth, the L-shaped pivot turns but doesn't in turn move the selector arm on the gearbox - hence being stuck in gear.


Hopefully that'll all makes sense when you look at the car :)


Otherwise, get someone to move the gear lever and chances are you'll see what's fallen off / broken.

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With the branch on there and no Airbox in the way you will see it with ease, It's a easy fix by popping it back on and driving her home carefully and ordering up so new ones as it will pop off again as the std one's always do.

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Well, that was almost embarrasingly easy to fix... Took less than 5 mins and that includes unlocking the car to pop the bonnet!


Cheers for the help and suggestions guys - exactly what had happened.

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Well, that was almost embarrasingly easy to fix... Took less than 5 mins and that includes unlocking the car to pop the bonnet!


Cheers for the help and suggestions guys - exactly what had happened.


Your gear rods are worn and need replacing- go for up rated ones like i did or standard ones. I went for uprated as they cant pop off again. Costs about £60 for the set if i remember right and make sure you check all the little bushes etc surrounding the L shaped lever when you change them as they also cause the gear change to be sloppy if worn. :)


p.s also make sure you grease all your new rod ends where they locate on the car (round parts they pop onto)

Edited by 205_sunderland

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