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[race_prep] 205 1.9 8V Hillclimb Car

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did you trip over whilst going to stick the number plate on? :P

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I'm sure it's a trick of the camera owing to the angle, but how big does that Ka look compared to the 205?! :o


What spec was the engine in the end btw? Looked back a few pages and it looks like it was a standard 1.9 bottom end, HFH ported head, Piper 270 cam/vernier, and Jenveys?


Whilst not the last word in power/torque, it certainly looks like a nice power curve for a humble 1.9 8v, still making usable power at 7000rpm odd which is surprising from such a mild cam.

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Number plate (being legal and untrimmed) seems a bit big for the standard position. And the radiator likes a lot of air. So I put it down, prefer it.


Yeah you got it Ant, seems to be a nice engine. Its a real power figure, we use track n road at work for chassis stuff, and they tie up with our engine dynos that we calibrate very regularly. Not huge figures, but a very close ratio box, and nice curve as you say.


Considering the engine was supposed to be a standard 1.9, but ended up having a piper cam, hfh sg4 head and vernier I'm happy, only cost £70. If it lets go I don't care!


And the 205 genuinely looks that small! haha. Weird huh.

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the matt

Lol. Yeah will do bro. Hope I make it. Gonna go a41 I think to avoid motorways all the way there. Cant find no people to convoy.

There's a chance I'll be heading back up from Leatherhead at 1ish on Friday. Might be a chance to hook up.

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looks good mate... But wheres your rubiks cube?

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Looks the bollocks mate, top work :)

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Cheers dude :)

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You should put a thin white or light grey strip along the bottom edge of it. :D

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Lol, nah happy how it is atm. Might wrap my wing mirror plates with the same grey though, and maybe the splitter when that happens.

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The only tiny thing that bugs me is the missing loin from the middle of the grill - I know it's not a very "motorsport" attitude and is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, but for the sake of a few grams put it back on as it makes the car have a distinctly unfinished/tatty look without (IMO) and detracts from the obvious care and attention you've put in elsewhere in the build.


Otherwise, you're not helping my want for throttle bodies in the slightest with your videos. The soundtrack of want.

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Haha, I just haven't got a badge or got round to buying one. Its not to save a few grams lol.

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Had a good play at the weekend, mate matt was supposed to bring me a grill badge but he forgot lol.















Edited by alexcrosse

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the matt

What's even better than the fact that I'd forgotten it, is the fact that when I got home I realised it was actually in the boot all along and I'd forgotten that I hadn't forgotten it. Sorry bro! >_<


Cheers for bringing most of my Sat Nav back though. ;)


Car looks great, sounds buff and goes well. Love it mate.

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Haha its cool. It'll be one of those things that'll never get done!


Cheers, glad you like it :) good to see you again, brands soon!

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Oh wow, didn't realise quite what was under the bonnet when I was taking photos and videos of the car on Sunday!


Amazing project fella and it should be great for sprints. Seeing this (and the supercharged blue one) make me very tempted to chop in my E30 and go back to a 205.


I just realised I have another couple of photos if you want them (can redo and email again)





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E30's and 205's seem to be getting very popular now. Get one of each, you'll never lose your money!... unless you wrap them around trees. Saw pics of a mint E30 M3 I missed there, shame, would have liked to look around it :)


If you could email the photos that would be great :) no rush though :)


Got a nice one through the esses. Love this section, perfect for 205's.





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I've got a black Sharpie.. we could just draw a lion on the front of it?

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like so?

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I think this is a bit more representative of the Peugeot Lion:


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Trust you to draw the most camp lion I have ever seen.

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the matt

Oooh ooh ooh. A photo of my Pug....next to a bin. How apt :proud:

Hmmmm. I see we don't get the proud smiley. I'll go for ^_^ instead.

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was good to meet you Alex and the car looks well in the metal. Esses was a brilliant section, probably my favourite part of the track.

got a vid of the swift when I took a mate up and managed a rough 58.5 total up the hill, but that was with passenger and lots of wheelspin off the line and a couple of bad gearchanges haha. not too bad for a 1.3 though

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Yeah great to meet you mate :) esses is great, 205 territory! Mine seemed good off the line, nice long first. Mates were saying you were lightening round that first left hander. Wish id timed myself, but it was a shakedown so wasn't really one it (lies).

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the matt

Which car were you in Kee? I got a few pics of 205s and might have snapped yours.

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