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Weird Starting Issue

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Well took the car for its MOT today and it only failed on a drop bar so pretty good I thought! Anyway watched the mechanic drive the car out of the workshop and park it. I went into office discuss when the could it have back in for the work and retest. Anyway back out to the car and it wouldnt start!!! First time in my years ownership it has played up at all!! Basically nothing happened when you turned the key - just the dash lights went out and a click could be heard in the passenger side of the dash.


Any way mechanic came and a look and said it seemed to be it was not getting enough voltage - then it started as he was poking about. It then started 5 times in a row - we both said french rubbish and I was off on my way home :lol:


On the way home whilst rolling turned the car of and tried starting it again, no issues perfect did this 5 times and no probs. Got home outside my house turned it of and low and behold would not start again. Left the car to cool down, tried again and on the 10th time it fired up and then fired up 5 times in a row. Left another 30 mins, now wont start :wacko: same symptoms as above. It must be my fault as I was watching the mechanics do the MOT and was telling them how super reliable the car had been :blink:


Hopefully it will start in the morning and they are going to have it back and hopefully find out the problem.


Any ideas ??


Cheers Dave

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Loose solenoid wire to starter me thinks

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Wow that is weird :blink: Never heard of that problem before :P


Sorry, my sarcastic nature is not helping you at all :D


But you should be relieved to know that your situation is by no means unusual. A search will reap plenty of topics from people all having the same problem as you.

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Cheers for the replies - when I say weird I really meant the timing not necassarily the issue - im sure my car is not unique in having starting issues!!:P


I did some searches so have some ideas - heres hoping for a loose wire!


Dave B)

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You have described the same problem that i was having with my car. Since i ended up loosing my rag with it the car is on strike and im taking the line of action like the french government would. Thats been going on for 2 + years.


My posts from July 2009 ish and previous time, though i never have got to the bottom of it.






Remember Jackherer coming round and we tested with a cable between the starter to the battery. Started everytime whilst he was there, though the next morning exactly the same thing. Lights on dashboard went out and there was a groaning noise.


Replaced the starter motor, battery, earth strapss, all of the ignition bits, battery cable and junction box. Though im wondering if it was the alternator causing problems with the charging of the battery as the battery itself was dead within a few months. The AA roadside person said dont let it stall or stop as it wont start again, and when i stalled it getting it back onto the drive (tight space) he was right. Though the alternator was giving a good read out at the time.

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similar happened to me with my car, it was the starter celonoid, just try an extension bar and a hammer and tap the celonoid while getting someone to turn the key. make sure you hit the celonoid.


Mine seems to do it everytime i disconnect my battery, get the extension and hammer out tap it afew times the starter kicks into life.

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Had to bump start the car (thanks to my neighbours).


Just spoke to the garage and its a knackered starter motor!



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Had to bump start the car (thanks to my neighbours).


Just spoke to the garage and its a knackered starter motor!


Always what garages say when its the solenoid wire making an intermittent contact!! Don't take their word for it, check that wire is well fastened and is getting a good solid 12v when you turn the key all the way!!



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