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Overheating Issues But Not As You'd Know Them ........

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Hi guys , im new to the forum , unfortunately looks like my first post is going to be an negative "ive got problems" post . ive had a bit of a search already but nothing really matching my symptoms .


So.. my 205 . new car to me , bought it off of (forum name) mickie , its the white 205 track car , theres a build thread int the track race section . http://forum.205gtidrivers.com/index.php?showtopic=112051


ive got this overheating issue with the car , took it out sunday for a good couple of hours , really driving the car hard . was a warm day im sure youll all agree , car was driving really well , temp guage reading normal , crept up the normal amount until the stat opened and then the temp drops , all normal as far as im concerned , i was driving a good hour and a bit , got bk to the garage and let the car idle for a few mins to stabilize etc , it was sat 3-5 mins and the temp guage spiked and started pissing water out of the expansion bottle . very strange . its had a new stat , fan is working . im baffed . when the car is on the move its fine ........ any input guys ?

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Whats the cap like on the expansion bottle like, could have a weak spring!

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thanks harry , would that cause the temp to spike ? i spose it could as thats what governs the pressure ...

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I had a similar problem like that once on a 1600 gti and it turned out to be the cap!

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deffo worth a try then , thanks for that bud .

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You say that the cooling fan is working - does it work on both high and low speed?


Sometimes the fan thermoswitch fails in such a way that it only runs on low speed, which will allow the temperature to continue to (slowly) rise and eventually overheat. It varies depending on the thermoswitch fitted, but generally speaking, normally it will come on at slow speed around 2/3 on the gauge, and high speed around 3/4 on the gauge.... high speed being very noticeable in terms of noise.


Certainly if it's fine on the move and only overheats when it's left idling, I'd be looking first and foremost at a fan related issue.

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