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Quick Drive Shaft Question

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I found out my manifold was hitting the subframe due to the back mount being made of trifle so im changing it today but i topped the box oil up 3 weeks ago when i did the diff seal so my question is. If i jack the car up high enough before i remove the shaft will it retain all its box oil or do i have to bite the bullet and top it up again.


cheers mick

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Tom Fenton

If you jack it right up high on one side only you can get away changing a shaft and not lose any g/box oil.

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If you jack it right up high on one side only you can get away changing a shaft and not lose any g/box oil.


awsome ill give it a go, shame to fanny about filling it up again when i got it bang on 2 weeks ago

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job sacked off for the day, disk locating bold sheared off and someone has fitted the hub nut with the power of grey skull so its going nowhere untill i get it into a garage with the right tools <_<

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stick the wheel back on minus the centre cap (or find a steelie if its a 1.6)


theyre meant to be tight ;)

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stick the wheel back on minus the centre cap (or find a steelie if its a 1.6)


theyre meant to be tight ;)


sadly im lacking a socket so have been using a huge ring spanner so it wont work with the wheel in the way :( , and i know there meant to be tight but this is serious, its so tight it made the spanner jump off and the nut was perfect with no rounded edges (its a half a meter long spanner so its got some leverage and fits well).


This attempt to put all my body weight on the spanner however did end in diaster, when it slipped my foot landed on the jack wheel so didnt land evenly and i now have a black and blue painful foot and heel :lol:, some things in life i made to test us haha

Edited by 205_sunderland

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get somebody to put foot on the brake pedal, put some wheel bolts in, and get a ring spanner and hook it over your other spanner, moments win.

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get somebody to put foot on the brake pedal, put some wheel bolts in, and get a ring spanner and hook it over your other spanner, moments win.



My brother was on the foot brake with the car running yesterday, and the ring spanner ive got is huge i havent got anything big enough to go over it sadly

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