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Mi16 Sports Clutch And Gearbox Questions

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If it's for a road car I'm not sure about a 4-paddle plate.. I have one on my track car and while it's surprisingly forgiving I definitely wouldn't want to use it for any amount of time on the road!


Never heard of Panther, call me a snob but I wouldn't be comfortable buying one. I'd stick with a known brand like Helix, their prices are pretty competitive anyway.

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Paddle clutch's are not designed for road use so it will not last very long at all, Stick to a std Valeo one which are fine for around 240bhp N/A

The box is good again for 300bhp so no issues with 200 at all, any BE box is the same from a 1.6 8v to the GTi6 basically

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Dont use a paddle clutch for road use. I had one self destruct and ruined my flywheel and gearbox. There are organic clutches with uprated material if you insist on getting one but standard worked fine for me. I cannot even remember why I bothered upgrading

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Ok thanks for the advise guys...


I have a 1.9 Gearbox Reserve next to 5th and i also have the 1.6 reverse next to First gearbox.


I do have a brand new std clutch knocking about for the 1.9 8v engine... but never needed it.. would this fit the 1.9 Mi16.. with either of the above boxes?

Edited by Carbs4me

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its the flywheel that affects which clutch you require, the 1.9 and 2.0 16v xu's use a 215mm clutch, the 8v xu and the 1.8 16v use the 200mm clutch.


the clutch arm/release fork determines which release bearing you require, so if you have a 205 BE1 gearbox and an Mi16 flywheel, you need an Mi16 clutch and a BE1 205 release bearing.


if you use the BE3 style clutch arm and the mi16 flywheel you need a full mi16 clutch kit which will include the BE3 style release bearing.



one last detail to confuse you, the BE1 MI16 gearbox in the 405 and the BX16v, used the BE3 type clutch arm and bearing.

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Is my 1.6 box a BE3? how do i determin which gearbox is which?


So my guess is determin that my 1.6 box is a BE3... would order the Mi16 clutch and bearing and they would be right for the 1.6? if it is a BE3?

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Tom Fenton

No. Reverse next to 1st is BE1. Reverse next to 5th is BE3.

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ok.. just for my understanding... My 1.9 Gearbox is reverse next to 5th. ive been thinking of using that gearbox.. Off what i got from Welshpugs explanation of gearboxes i could use this and the Mi16 Bearing will fit it? Correct or incorrect?

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Cheers for the help Guys!


One other question... Probly a lame ass one.


But can i use the standard gearlinkage off my 205? which is running the Reverse next to 1st(BE1) for a Mi16 conversion its gunna be on my (BE3) 1.9 reverse next to 5th gearbox


also what is this product like?



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yup, standard linkages, those rods are great too :)

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ok well i will give em a ring and order those. I ordered the coolant hose kit and the bushes from there yestarday... my current gear linkage is Saggy as a witches tit

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