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205 Worth Buying?

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First off please forgive me for being a noob...


I'm still working on purchasing a 205 GTi... but I don't have much time to do so... I'm leaving the country in March. :( I need one under £1000 and early 1987 or older.


So I am looking at eBay and I found two. Could I please get advice on them?


Number One (has mechanical and body problems)


Number 2 (has body problems)


I've worked on cars before, but never Peugeot and have no idea why the first would be stalling as such. Any ideas why it could do that? Would it be worth it to repair?


The second seems fantastic, but it's at a bid (not buy it now), it's red (I would like white), doesn't have the half leather seats, and it's 1.6 versus 1.9.

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I wouldn't waste your time buying the first one! The state of it!!


If you want white, hold out for white. I absolutely HAD to have white. Was tempted by sorrento, but knew I would regret it if I didn't have a white one. So glad I do now. It's a personal preference and for some (like me) if it's not the right colour you are never happy with it.

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Both look like allot of works needed, If the body shows that much rust then under it will or should be even worse. Are you importing one out of the UK?

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Both look like allot of works needed, If the body shows that much rust then under it will or should be even worse. Are you importing one out of the UK?



Thank you, that is what I am thinking too. Yeppers, I am taking it out of UK.


@ Chipstick, thank you... I'm the same as well. :blush: I hope I am not being too picky this time though since I am not here much longer.


These cars sell often? I only found a few that were 1987 or older during my search in the past few months.

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Not many from that age, Good ones will fetch good money now, Tatty ones needing work will be cheap but catch 22 to bring it upto spec will cost you more in the longterm

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Can I ask why does it have to be an old one? Is that for Import reasons?

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Can I ask why does it have to be an old one? Is that for Import reasons?



Yeppers. And I've decided colour does not matter because I intend to fit a Dimma kit.

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I'd say those both will need quite serious body restoration, metal & paintwork.

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OP, did you get a car? Could I be really nosey and ask where you want to export it to? (No reason, just interested to know if the 205 may end up somewhere "exotic" :) )

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