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Rob Turbo

New 306 Hdi Problem!

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Rob Turbo

Got a bit of an odd problem with my 306 hdi, not the one with cracked pistons, I know what the problem is with that one!!


A few weeks ago I was sitting in a car park waiting for my brother, engine running, got quite warm, around 90 on the temp gauge IIRC, then it spluttered and died, it started again but cut out straight away, did this a couple of times then wouldn't start at all. The in tank pump didn't seem to be working, assuming this was at fault I got someone to pick me up, went and got the pump out of my other 306 (with cracked pistons), fitted it in the car park and all was well, got home and checked the fault codes, there was a few of them, all relating to short or open circuit on the low pressure pump, 3rd piston cut off and egr valve, cleared them all and they didn't come back.


Last week it started spluttering when going around left hand bends, as if I was turning the engine off for a split second, it was suggested that this could be water in the diesel, so drained the filter and all was well again for a couple of hours, then the problem came back, I ignored it, been too busy to look into it!


Then today it cut out outside my house, the same as in the car park, only this time there was no heat involved! It was warm, I'd been to the shop in it, left it outside the house for about 10 mins then went to drive to my parents' but only got about 2' backwards (reversing to get around the neighbors' car). Seeing as the fault codes last time were for various circuits I decided to swap the double relay with the one off the other 306, did that and it fired up no problem, drove to my parents' and plugged pp2000 in, had the same codes as before, cleared them again, all is well, apart from the splutter on left hand bends.


I've checked the wiring, and all seems ok, no bare wires or anything.


I'm thinking that the first time wasn't the pump, just sitting for an hour while I was getting the other pump was the cure that time I think.


Could these problems be related? And what could cause a splutter only on left hand bends? :wacko:

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Had an unknown failure like this on my Xsara HDi a few years ago. Couldnt work out what it was - Until I unplugged the loom from the ECU. Water had got in to the top of the loom and corroded the pins in the ECU plugs, they were making intermittant contacts. They then broke entirely and turned to dust when the ECU plugs were removed. Worth a look.

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