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Pipe Washer (Firing Ring?)

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I need a new gasket that goes between the downpipe and manifold. I have lots of spare old bolts and springs etc that are more than serviceable, and to save spending out £22 for another load of bolts that I don't need, I am wondering if you can buy the wire gasket from Peugeot on its own.


I found:


171228 PIPE WASHER at £1.18 inc VAT. Which sounds much more like it!


Anyone know if this is what I am actually after?




Just noticed it says DIAM 9X21-2,4 next to it. If that is 9mm by 21mm, then I think I am wrong. No idea what that is though, as it isn't in the servicebox diagram.

Edited by chipstick

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Looking on the servicebox diagram that pipe washer looks like the spring seat the fire ring nut bolts all come together in the fixing kit by the looks of it but you can get fire rings on there own from most motor factors for a couple of quid hope this helps.

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1712.28 is one of the small washers that holds the springs in place.


The wire gasket doesn't appear to have a part number of it's own, only as part of the £22 fitting kit. :(


In the past I've got them from a local exhaust fitting place, they usually have that type of thing in stock.

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Gah I will just get the whole kit from Pug then. It isn't the best of jobs to do laying on the drive underneath a car, so I would rather use a genuine kit that should last a while.

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