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Radiator Choice/header Tank

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just been reading carl chambers thread where he has used a 106 radiator without a header tank[looks a very neat job] and it got me thinking of what use is a header tank? is it just extra water,does it help with bleeding as its in a higher postion?

i was surprised with the 106 system as i thought all cars now ran a header tank set up and having just a radiator was a out of date system,so whats the advantages/disadvantags.

just to make it clear in no way am i haveing a go at carl or his work.

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Tom Fenton

If you have ever worked much on a 106/Saxo/AX with the tank built into the rad you will know they can be a total pig to bleed, you end up with butchered pop bottles trying to get the water level higher so you can get all the air locks out. A total PITA in my opinion.


Set up the 205 system properly and it will pretty much bleed itself.


I use the 205 system and header tank and always will.

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the 106 does have a header tank, its what the cap fits onto.


i dont think the design of the rad is what causes the issue in the 106, as some dp use a separate tank and ive found those buggers to bleed as well.

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Agree with Tom, TU's can be a right pig to bleed but the head of water is lower than the water level in the block, nice thing about the header tank is fill it up run engine for a couple of seconds and top up = Job done.

You can always make a tank to fit under the scuttle panel

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